13596 days before today
Today is March 3rd, 2025 (Monday), so 13596 days before today would be:
December 12th, 1987 (Saturday)
Time Zone: America/New_York (GMT-05:00)
Number of days before today:
• Day numbers: 346
• Week number: 50
• Leap year: 1987 is not a leap year
• Daylight Saving Time: No
December 12th, 1987 Holidays and National Days
December 12th, in History
The US Supreme Court announces its decision in Bush v. Gore, effectively ending legal changes to the results of that year’s Presidential election.
Willie Brown beats incumbent mayor Frank Jordon to become the first African-American mayor of San Francisco.
The Russian Federation becomes independent from the USSR.
Arrow Air Flight 1285 crashes after takeoff at Gander, Newfoundland; among the 256 dead are 236 members of the US Army’s 101st Airborne Division.
South Korean Army Major General Chun Doo-hwan, acting without authorization from President Choi Kyu-ha, orders the arrest of Army Chief of Staff General Jeong Seung-hwa, alleging that the chief of staff was involved in the assassination of ex-President Park Chung Hee.
The United States ends the airlift of 6,500 men in Vietnam.
Kenya becomes a republic.
Three Buddhist leaders begin a hunger strike to protest the government in Saigon.
The United Nations calls for immediate Soviet withdrawal from Hungary.
The German Army launches Operation Winter Tempest, the relief of the Sixth Army trapped in Stalingrad.
→ See more: December 12th, in History
Days from December 12th, 1987
• 30 days from December 12th, 1987
• 60 days from December 12th, 1987
• 90 days from December 12th, 1987
Days before December 12th, 1987
• 30 days before December 12th, 1987
• 60 days before December 12th, 1987
• 90 days before December 12th, 1987