151 days from March 26, 1913
would be
August 24, 1913 (Sunday)
Time Zone: America/New_York (GMT-04:00)
• Day numbers: 236
• Week number: 34
• Leap year: 1913 is not a leap year
• Daylight Saving Time: No
Sunrise, Sunset Times for August 24, 1913 (Sunday)
• Sunrise time: 05:53 am
• Sunset time: 07:17 pm
• Day length: 13h 23m
• Source: suntoday.org
Moon Phase for August 24, 1913 (Sunday)
• Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous
• Illumination: 50%
• Moon Age: 22.14 day(s)
• Source: mooninfo.org
August 24, 1913 Holidays and National Days
August 24 in History
The Mexican criminal syndicate Los Zetas kills 72 illegal immigrants from Central and South America in San Fernando, Tamaulipas, Mexico.
Pluto is downgraded to a dwarf planet when the International Astronomical Union (IAU) redefines “planet.”
Chechnyan suicide bombers blow up two airliners near Moscow, killing 89 passengers.
Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) create initial accord regarding partial self-rule for Palestinians living on the West Bank, the Agreement on Preparatory Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities.
Hurricane Andrew makes landfall in Florida. The Category 5 storm, which had already caused extensive damage in the Bahamas, caused $26.5 billion in US damages, caused 65 deaths, and felled 70,000 acres of trees in the Everglades.
Mikhail Gorbachev resigns as head of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union; Ukraine declares its independence from USSR.
Colombian drug lords declare “total and absolute war” on Colombia’s government, booming the offices of two political parties and burning two politicians’ homes.
Baseball commissioner A. Bartlett Giamatti bans Pete Rose from baseball for gambling.
→ See more: August 24 in History
Days from August 24, 1913
• 30 days from August 24, 1913
• 60 days from August 24, 1913
• 90 days from August 24, 1913
Days before August 24, 1913
• 30 days before August 24, 1913
• 60 days before August 24, 1913
• 90 days before August 24, 1913