1528 days before today
Today is March 10th, 2025 (Monday), so 1528 days before today would be:
January 2nd, 2021 (Saturday)
Time Zone: America/New_York (GMT-04:00)
Number of days before today:
• Day numbers: 2
• Week number: 53
• Leap year: 2021 is not a leap year
• Daylight Saving Time: No
January 2nd, 2021 Holidays and National Days
January 2nd, in History
A coal mine explosion in Sago, West Virginia, kills 12 miners and critically injures another. This accident and another within weeks lead to the first changes in federal mining laws in decades.
A severe winter storm hits the Midwestern US; in Chicago temperatures plunge to -13 ºF and19 inches of snow fell; 68 deaths are blamed on the storm.
British police arrest the “Yorkshire Ripper” serial killer, Peter Sutcliffe.
President Jimmy Carter asks the U.S. Senate to delay the arms treaty ratification in response to Soviet action in Afghanistan.
The United States admits the accidental bombing of a Hanoi hospital.
American G.I.s move into the Mekong Delta for the first time.
In Vietnam, the Viet Cong down five U.S. helicopters in the Mekong Delta. 30 Americans are reported dead.
The Allies capture Buna in New Guinea.
In the Philippines, the city of Manila and the U.S. Naval base at Cavite fall to Japanese forces.
In Berlin, Nazi officials claim that their treatment of Jews is not the business of the League of Nations.
→ See more: January 2nd, in History
Days from January 2nd, 2021
• 30 days from January 2nd, 2021
• 60 days from January 2nd, 2021
• 90 days from January 2nd, 2021
Days before January 2nd, 2021
• 30 days before January 2nd, 2021
• 60 days before January 2nd, 2021
• 90 days before January 2nd, 2021