15305 days before today
Today is March 8th, 2025 (Saturday), so 15305 days before today would be:
April 13th, 1983 (Wednesday)
Time Zone: America/New_York (GMT-05:00)
Number of days before today:
• Day numbers: 103
• Week number: 15
• Leap year: 1983 is not a leap year
• Daylight Saving Time: No
April 13th, 1983 Holidays and National Days
April 13th, in History
The world’s longest doubles ping-pong match ends after 101 hours.
The U.S. Federal Reserve begins issuing $2 bicentennial notes.
An oxygen tank explodes on Apollo 13, preventing a planned moon landing and jeopardizing the lives of the three-man crew.
Sidney Poitier becomes the first black individual to win an Oscar for best actor.
The U.N. General Assembly condemns South Africa because of apartheid.
The first navigational satellite is launched into Earth’s orbit.
Vienna falls to Soviet troops.
Franklin D. Roosevelt dedicates the Jefferson Memorial.
German troops capture Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
The first flight over Mount Everest is completed by Lord Clydesdale.
→ See more: April 13th, in History
Days from April 13th, 1983
• 30 days from April 13th, 1983
• 60 days from April 13th, 1983
• 90 days from April 13th, 1983
Days before April 13th, 1983
• 30 days before April 13th, 1983
• 60 days before April 13th, 1983
• 90 days before April 13th, 1983