159 days from September 6, 2044
would be
February 12, 2045 (Sunday)
Time Zone: America/New_York (GMT-05:00)
• Day numbers: 43
• Week number: 6
• Leap year: 2045 is not a leap year
• Daylight Saving Time: No
Sunrise, Sunset Times for February 12, 2045 (Sunday)
• Sunrise time: 07:31 am
• Sunset time: 06:04 pm
• Day length: 10h 32m
• Source: suntoday.org
Moon Phase for February 12, 2045 (Sunday)
• Moon Phase: Waning Crescent
• Illumination: 13%
• Moon Age: 25.96 day(s)
• Source: mooninfo.org
February 12, 2045 Holidays and National Days
February 12 in History
The U.S. Senate fails to pass two articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton. He had been accused of perjury and obstruction of justice by the House of Representatives.
A Court in Texas upholds $8.5 billion of a fine imposed on Texaco for the illegal takeover of Getty Oil.
The Lake Placid Winter Olympics open in New York.
The Symbionese Liberation Army asks the Hearst family for $230 million in food for the poor.
Senator Edward Kennedy advocates amnesty for Vietnam draft resisters.
The South Vietnamese win two big battles in the Mekong Delta.
The Soviets break off diplomatic relations with Israel after the bombing of Soviet legation.
Muslim Brotherhood chief Hassan el Banna is shot to death in Cairo.
Wendell Wilkie enters the American presidential race against Franklin D. Roosevelt.
The Soviet Union signs a trade treaty with Germany to aid against the British blockade.
→ See more: February 12 in History
Days from February 12, 2045
• 30 days from February 12, 2045
• 60 days from February 12, 2045
• 90 days from February 12, 2045
Days before February 12, 2045
• 30 days before February 12, 2045
• 60 days before February 12, 2045
• 90 days before February 12, 2045