1644 days before today
Today is March 17th, 2025 (Monday), so 1644 days before today would be:
September 15th, 2020 (Tuesday)
Time Zone: America/New_York (GMT-04:00)
Number of days before today:
• Day numbers: 259
• Week number: 38
• Leap year: 2020 is a leap year.
• Daylight Saving Time: Yes
September 15th, 2020 Holidays and National Days
September 15th, in History
The largest Chapter 11 bankruptcy in US history is filed by Lehman Brothers financial services firm.
National Hockey League commissioner Gary Bettman announces a lockout of the players union.
MCI WorldCom begins operations after a landmark merger between World Com and MCI Communications.
France announces it will send 4,000 troops to join those of other nations assembling in the Persian Gulf to protect Saudi Arabia and force Iraq’s dictator Saddam Hussein to withdraw troops from occupied Kuwait.
Menachem Begin resigns as premier of Israel.
Sandra Day O’Connor is unanimously approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee to become the first female justice on the US Supreme Court.
The environmental group Greenpeace is founded.
The USSR launches Zond 5, which becomes the first spaceship to orbit the moon and reenter Earth’s atmosphere.
US President Lyndon Johnson urges Congress to adopt gun control legislation in the wake of Charles Whitman’s sniper attack from the University of Texas’s Texas Tower; in all, Whitman shot and killed 15 people before being shot dead himself by an Austin police officer.
Four young African-American girls are killed by the bombing of a church in Birmingham, Alabama.
→ See more: September 15th, in History
Days from September 15th, 2020
• 30 days from September 15th, 2020
• 60 days from September 15th, 2020
• 90 days from September 15th, 2020
Days before September 15th, 2020
• 30 days before September 15th, 2020
• 60 days before September 15th, 2020
• 90 days before September 15th, 2020