1654 days before today

Today is March 11th, 2025 (Tuesday), so 1654 days before today would be:

August 30th, 2020 (Sunday)

Time Zone: America/New_York (GMT-04:00)

• Day numbers: 243

• Week number: 35

• Leap year: 2020 is a leap year.

• Daylight Saving Time: Yes

• Sunrise time: 06:58 am

• Sunset time: 08:09 pm

• Day length: 13h 10m

• Source: suntoday.org

• Moon Phase: Waxing Gibbous

• Illumination: 94%

• Moon Age: 12.63 day(s)

• Source: mooninfo.org

August 30th, 2020 Holidays and National Days

August 30th, in History

KGB arrests journalist Nicholas Daniloff (US News World Report) on a charge of spying and hold him for 13 days.
Lieutenant Colonel Guion S. Bluford, Jr., becomes the first African-American astronaut to travel in space.
Eiffel Tower welcomes its 150 millionth visitor, 33-year-old Parisian Jacqueline Martinez.
Yasser Arafat, leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) forced out of Lebanon after 10 years in Beirut during Lebanese Civil War.
First recorded instance of a comet (Howard-Koomur-Michels) hitting the sun; the energy released is equal to approximately 1 million hydrogen bombs.
Tom Brokaw becomes news anchor of Today Show.
US Senate confirms Thurgood Marshall as first African-American Supreme Court justice.
Hot Line communications link installed between Moscow and Washington, DC.
President John F. Kennedy appoints General Lucius D. Clay as his personal representative in Berlin.
Ploesti, the center of the Rumanian oil industry, falls to Soviet troops.

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