24264 days before today
Today is March 20th, 2025 (Thursday), so 24264 days before today would be:
October 14th, 1958 (Tuesday)
Time Zone: America/New_York (GMT-04:00)
Number of days before today:
• Day numbers: 287
• Week number: 42
• Leap year: 1958 is not a leap year
• Daylight Saving Time: Yes
October 14th, 1958 Holidays and National Days
October 14th, in History
Felix Baumgartner breaks the world record for highest manned balloon flight, highest parachute jump, and greatest free-fall velocity, parachuting from an altitude of approximately 24 miles (39km).
Eric Robert Rudolph is charged with the 1996 bombing during the Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia; It was one of several bombing incidents Rudolph carried out to protest legalized abortion in the US.
The Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, Israel’s Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres for establishing the Oslo Accords and preparing for Palestinian Self Government.
Prime Minister of Grenada Maurice Bishop is overthrown and later executed by a military coup.
The British 50-pence coin enters the UK’s currency, the first step toward covering to a decimal system, which was planned for 1971.
US Defense Department announces 24,000 soldiers and Marines will be sent back to Vietnam for involuntary second tours of duty.
Jim Hines, USA, breaks the “ten-second barrier” in the 100-meter sprint at the Olympics in Mexico City; his time was 9.95.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, opens its underground Montreal Metro rapid-transit system.
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for advocating a policy of non-violence.
Cuban Missile Crisis begins; USAF U-2 reconnaissance pilot photographs Cubans installing Soviet-made missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads.
→ See more: October 14th, in History
Days from October 14th, 1958
• 30 days from October 14th, 1958
• 60 days from October 14th, 1958
• 90 days from October 14th, 1958
Days before October 14th, 1958
• 30 days before October 14th, 1958
• 60 days before October 14th, 1958
• 90 days before October 14th, 1958