24780 days before today
Today is March 3rd, 2025 (Monday), so 24780 days before today would be:
April 29th, 1957 (Monday)
Time Zone: America/New_York (GMT-05:00)
Number of days before today:
• Day numbers: 119
• Week number: 18
• Leap year: 1957 is not a leap year
• Daylight Saving Time: Yes
April 29th, 1957 Holidays and National Days
April 29th, in History
Four Los Angeles police offices are acquitted of charges stemming from the beating of Rodney King. Rioting ensues.
Harold Washington is sworn in as Chicago’s first black mayor.
The U.S. embassy in Vietnam is evacuated as North Vietnamese forces fight their way into Saigon.
Former Japanese leaders are indicted in Tokyo as war criminals.
The German Army in Italy surrenders unconditionally to the Allies.
The Nazi concentration camp of Dachau is liberated by Allied troops.
The film All Quiet on the Western Front, based on Erich Maria Remarque’s novel Im Western Nichts Neues, premiers.
Construction of the Spirit of St. Louis is completed.
Open revolt breaks out in Santa Clara, Cuba.
America’s WWI Ace of Aces, Eddie Rickenbacker, scores his first victory with the help of Captain James Norman Hall.
→ See more: April 29th, in History
Days from April 29th, 1957
• 30 days from April 29th, 1957
• 60 days from April 29th, 1957
• 90 days from April 29th, 1957
Days before April 29th, 1957
• 30 days before April 29th, 1957
• 60 days before April 29th, 1957
• 90 days before April 29th, 1957