2766 days before today
Today is March 12th, 2025 (Wednesday), so 2766 days before today would be:
August 15th, 2017 (Tuesday)
Time Zone: America/New_York (GMT-04:00)
Number of days before today:
• Day numbers: 227
• Week number: 33
• Leap year: 2017 is not a leap year
• Daylight Saving Time: Yes
August 15th, 2017 Holidays and National Days
August 15th, in History
An earthquake of 8.0 magnitude kills over 500 and injures more than 1,000 in Peru.
Astronomers announce the first solar system discovered outside our own; two planets had been found orbiting a star in the Big Dipper.
US Social Security Administration, previously part of the Department of Health and Human Services, becomes an independent government agency.
The infamous terrorist Carlos the Jackal is captured in Khartoum, Sudan.
Ignoring objections from President Ronald Reagan‘s Administration, the US Senate approves economic sanctions against South Africa to protest that country’s apartheid policies.
US President Richard Nixon announces a 90-day freeze on wages and prices in an attempt to halt rapid inflation.
Over 400,000 young people attend a weekend of rock music at Woodstock, New York.
Two U.S. divisions are badly mauled by the North Korean Army at the Battle of the Bowling Alley in South Korea, which rages on for five more days.
Britain grants independence to India and Pakistan.
Gasoline and fuel oil rationing ends in the United States.
→ See more: August 15th, in History
Days from August 15th, 2017
• 30 days from August 15th, 2017
• 60 days from August 15th, 2017
• 90 days from August 15th, 2017
Days before August 15th, 2017
• 30 days before August 15th, 2017
• 60 days before August 15th, 2017
• 90 days before August 15th, 2017