472 days before today

Today is March 10th, 2025 (Monday), so 472 days before today would be:

November 24th, 2023 (Friday)

Time Zone: America/New_York (GMT-04:00)

• Day numbers: 328

• Week number: 47

• Leap year: 2023 is not a leap year

• Daylight Saving Time: No

• Sunrise time: 07:27 am

• Sunset time: 05:12 pm

• Day length: 09h 45m

• Source: suntoday.org

• Moon Phase: Waxing Gibbous

• Illumination: 93%

• Moon Age: 12.28 day(s)

• Source: mooninfo.org

November 24th, 2023 Holidays and National Days

November 24th, in History

A fire at a clothing factory in Dhaka, Bangladesh, kills over 110 people.
Ireland votes 50.28% to 49.72% to end its 70-year-old ban on divorce.
US Congress passes the Brady Bill requiring a 5-day waiting period for handgun sales; the bill is named for Pres. Ronald Reagan’s press secretary who was left partially paralyzed by a bullet during an assassination attempt on Reagan.
The United States admits that thousands of troops in Vietnam were exposed to the toxic Agent Orange.
Greece announces the discovery of the tomb of King Philip II, father of Alexander the Great.
Jack Ruby fatally shoots the accused assassin of President Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald, in the garage of the Dallas Police Department.
The United Nations adopts bans on nuclear arms over American protests.
UN troops begin an assault into the rest of North Korea, hoping to end the Korean War by Christmas.
The Iron and Steel Act nationalizes the steel industry in Britain.
American B-29s flying from Saipan bomb Tokyo.