4949 days before today
Today is March 16th, 2025 (Sunday), so 4949 days before today would be:
August 28th, 2011 (Sunday)
Time Zone: America/New_York (GMT-04:00)
Number of days before today:
• Day numbers: 240
• Week number: 34
• Leap year: 2011 is not a leap year
• Daylight Saving Time: Yes
August 28th, 2011 Holidays and National Days
August 28th, in History
US Republican convention nominates Mitt Romney as the party’s presidential candidate.
Hurricane Katrina reaches Category 5 strength; Louisiana Superdome opened as a “refuge of last resort” in New Orleans.
Power blackout affects half-million people in southeast England and halts 60% of London’s underground trains.
Two hundred twenty-three die when a dam breaks at Qinghai (Kokonor), in northwest China.
Bolivian president Victor Paz Estenssoro declares a state of siege and uses troops and tanks to halt a march by 10,000 striking tin miners.
US Navy officer Jerry A. Whitworth given 365-year prison term for spying for USSR.
Israeli’s prime minister Menachem Begin announces his resignation.
First Gay Games held, in San Francisco.
John Hinckley Jr. pleads innocent to attempting to assassinate Pres. Ronald Reagan.
Irish Republican Army (IRA) bomb explodes under bandstand in Brussels’ Great Market as British Army musicians prepare for a performance; four British soldiers wounded.
→ See more: August 28th, in History
Days from August 28th, 2011
• 30 days from August 28th, 2011
• 60 days from August 28th, 2011
• 90 days from August 28th, 2011
Days before August 28th, 2011
• 30 days before August 28th, 2011
• 60 days before August 28th, 2011
• 90 days before August 28th, 2011