6036 days before today
Today is March 16th, 2025 (Sunday), so 6036 days before today would be:
September 5th, 2008 (Friday)
Time Zone: America/New_York (GMT-04:00)
Number of days before today:
• Day numbers: 249
• Week number: 36
• Leap year: 2008 is a leap year.
• Daylight Saving Time: Yes
September 5th, 2008 Holidays and National Days
September 5th, in History
Hurricane Fran comes ashore near Cape Fear, No. Car. It will kill 27 people and cause more than $3 billion in damage.
Space Shuttle Discovery lands afters its maiden voyage.
World’s longest tunnel opens; Switzerland’s St. Gotthard Tunnel stretches 10.14 miles (16.224 km) from Goschenen to Airolo.
Israel’s Menachem Begin and Egypt’s Anwar Sadat begin discussions on a peace process, at Camp David, Md.
Hanns-Martin Schleyer, a German business executive who headed to powerful organization and had been an SS officer during WW2, is abducted by the left-wing extremist group Red Army Faction, who execute him on Oct. 18.
Voyager 1 space probe launched.
President Gerald Ford evades an assassination attempt in Sacramento, California.
“Black September,” a Palestinian terrorist group take 11 Israeli athletes hostage at the Olympic Games in Munich; by midnight all hostages and all but 3 terrorists are dead.
Charges are brought against US lieutenant William Calley in the March 1968 My Lai Massacre during Vietnam War.
Leopold Sedar Sengingor, poet and politician, is elected president of Senegal, Africa.
→ See more: September 5th, in History
Days from September 5th, 2008
• 30 days from September 5th, 2008
• 60 days from September 5th, 2008
• 90 days from September 5th, 2008
Days before September 5th, 2008
• 30 days before September 5th, 2008
• 60 days before September 5th, 2008
• 90 days before September 5th, 2008