7515 days before today
Today is March 3rd, 2025 (Monday), so 7515 days before today would be:
August 5th, 2004 (Thursday)
Time Zone: America/New_York (GMT-05:00)
Number of days before today:
• Day numbers: 218
• Week number: 32
• Leap year: 2004 is a leap year.
• Daylight Saving Time: Yes
August 5th, 2004 Holidays and National Days
August 5th, in History
A gunman in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, opens fire in a Sikh temple, killing six before committing suicide.
The mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, Ramzi Yousef, goes on trial.
Croatian forces capture the city of Knin, a Serb stronghold, during Operation Storm.
Four police officers are indicted on civil rights charges in the beating of Rodney King.
President Ronald Reagan fires 11,500 striking air traffic controllers.
President Richard Nixon admits he ordered a cover-up for political as well as national security reasons.
President Lyndon Johnson begins bombing North Vietnam in retaliation for the Gulf of Tonkin incident and asks Congress to go to war against North Vietnam.
Actress Marilyn Monroe dies under mysterious circumstances.
The United Nations Command suspends armistice talks with the North Koreans when armed troops are spotted in neutral areas.
The German army completes taking 410,000 Russian prisoners in the Uman and Smolensk pockets in the Soviet Union.
→ See more: August 5th, in History
Days from August 5th, 2004
• 30 days from August 5th, 2004
• 60 days from August 5th, 2004
• 90 days from August 5th, 2004
Days before August 5th, 2004
• 30 days before August 5th, 2004
• 60 days before August 5th, 2004
• 90 days before August 5th, 2004