Army's Birthday

Army's Birthday is observed next on Saturday, June 14th, 2025 (113 days from today).

How many days until Army's Birthday?


Every year on June 14th, the United States Army celebrates its founding in 1775.

Join the celebration of the United States Army's Birthday on June 14th as we remember its founding in 1775. This troop originally consisted of volunteer soldiers with origins in the Army and was established to fight in the Revolutionary War. Today, as the largest branch of the United States military, the proud men and women of the United States Army continue to bring peace and security to all of us.

History of Army's Birthday

The US Army is 245 years old and continues to grow. That's a lot of birthday candles! The annual celebration marks the day in history in 1775 when the Continental Army was created by the Second Continental Congress and commanded under the command of General George Washington to fight against Britain.

Of course, the US Army was not always the strongest army in the world as it is today. The 'Army' was originally made up of volunteer soldiers, amateurs and workers, who had only the passion and dedication to defend their lands against the British. In fact, military forces existed in the United States even before the country officially existed. Independent colonial armies commanded inexperienced militias.

The Revolutionary War began in America on April 19th, 1775, with the exchange of muskets between the Massachusetts militia and British regulars at Lexington and Concord. When soldiers were alerted in Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire, they responded to the alarm, and a state of war was brewing between the British government and the four colonies. Called the Army of Observation, a force of New Englanders that besieged Boston and let British troops occupy it was under siege, but they needed help. Representative Representatives of all 13 colonies were approached and asked to join them in the fight for American freedom.

When Continental Army delegates assembled on 10th May in Philadelphia, they learned that the British fortresses at Ticonderoga and Crown Point on Lake Champlain in New York had been captured by armed men led by Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen in command. The situation quickly turned into a crisis, as the delegates realized that a military coup had to be resolved if reconciliation was to be achieved. The next step was taken by the Congress, which eventually turned the minor uprising into a full war of independence. The establishment of the Continental Army led to the United States Army we know today.

There was a time when there were never more than 48,000 Continent soldiers. Today, the U.S. Army boasts more than one million active-duty troops, with an additional 800,000 members of the Reserve and National Guard.

The resilience of the US Army and its history is proof of how important the military plays in keeping the peace. Gratitude is expressed a lot on Army Birthday with events and ceremonies.

Traditions of Army's Birthday

There are many annual traditions and ceremonies that honor the past and celebrate the efforts of the United States Army. The sacrifices of soldiers fighting to protect the Fatherland are recorded and re-enacted in schools and some local theatres.

The cake-cutting ceremony was held at both Capitol Hill and the Pentagon, a tradition that has been honored through time. An army sword used to cut cakes by the highest and lowest officials. This is to establish the camaraderie and brotherhood of the army. The tradition of cutting cakes is a delight, with bakers working with more enthusiasm.

It is also a tradition to show the world how solid the US Army is. Formation runs take place around the world, with units wearing their colors across the fields marching at dawn before the start of the day's work.

Some facts about Army

  • The military is older than the country it serves

The first goal of army was to fight the Revolutionary War.

  • The army is bigger than your thought

If Army were a city, it would be the 10th largest city in the nation. There are over 1 million soldiers serving in the Army currently.

  • There are more presidents in the Army than other military

Of the 45 men who have served as president, 31 have served in the military. Two dozen of them served in the Army, or in the state militia (our present-day National Guard).

  • The army owns enough land to become a nation

Soldiers serve at 158 ​​facilities around the world, covering an area of ​​approximately 24,000 square miles. If it were a state, the Army would be larger than the combination of Hawaii and Massachusetts.

  • The military is America's second largest employer

The Army maintains more than 1 million active-duty and reservists. Only Walmart, with 2.2 million employees, is bigger.

How to celebrate Army's Birthday

  • Have a party

Army Birthday is a celebration! Enjoy food and drink with family and friends and honor the men and women who served America.

  • Learn some story of unknown soldiers.

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, in Arlington, Virginia, is one of the most famous monuments in the United States. Learn about history and celebrate its importance.

  • Just say "hello"

You probably know one or two of the 20.4 million U.S. veterans who are still alive. Even if you don't, take the opportunity to find a veteran and express gratitude for their service.


Army's Birthday has been observed annually on June 14th.


Wednesday, June 14th, 2023

Friday, June 14th, 2024

Saturday, June 14th, 2025

Sunday, June 14th, 2026

Monday, June 14th, 2027

Also on Saturday, June 14th, 2025

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