Aviation Maintenance Technician Day

(Also known as AMT Day)

Aviation Maintenance Technician Day is observed next on Saturday, May 24th, 2025 (85 days from today).

How many days until Aviation Maintenance Technician Day?


Aviation Maintenance Technician Day on May 24th, honors the men and women who have worked behind the scenes making and keeping aviation possible.

The world of airplanes is an interesting aspect of human history to the sky. If we didn't have our mechanics working behind the scenes, flight wouldn't be as ubiquitous as it was in the last century. The Wright Brother may bring all the fame, but it's the people in the background that really do it. So Aviation Maintenance Technicians Day exists in recognition of their efforts in maintaining airworthiness. Appreciate our technicians and learn about this great day!

History of Aviation Maintenance Technician Day

As many people know, the story of mankind's first experience of flying can be attributed to two brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright, whose unflinching dedication to achieving beyond what is. people think may have brought them to greatness. But it's not entirely their own fault. In 1899 when they started experimenting. The Wright brothers looked to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina for the consistent breeze that would aid their efforts. They mainly based their research on the design of the Chanute-Herring biplane glider, otherwise known as the "double decker" as the Wright brothers called it. They used aeronautical data published by Otto Lolenthl, another aviation pioneer who flew his test near Chicago. The Wright brothers thoroughly researched Lilenthal's work, revising and perfecting it, developing distinct ways to avoid nose dives and catastrophic failures.

In 1902, a mechanic by the name of Charles Edward Taylor joined their journey and built a light engine 12 horsepower enough for flight. Charles Taylor is someone we especially honor on this day because without him none of the Wright brothers' successes would have happened. Through their experiments, they incorporated aeronautical technology into the operational principles of modern aircraft.

Finally, on December 14th, 1903, the 121th anniversary of the first balloon test flight completed by the Montgolfier brothers, Wilbur Wright made the first three-second flight. Unfortunately only partially successful, Wilbur wrote to his family about his confidence in its full flying potential. Just days later, on December 17, 1903, both brothers became the first people to experience motorized flight, and the moment was captured by John T. Daniels, of the government's coastal rescue team. United States, record forever.

Charles Edward Taylor

We all know the story of Orville and Wilbur Wright, Kitty Hawk, and the human flight experiment. However,  how many people know about Charles Edward Taylor? He came to work for the Wrights in 1902 when research turned to powered flight. Auto companies could not provide engines that were both light enough and powerful enough for flight.

Enter Taylor. As a tradesman, with metal lathes, drills, and other hand tools, he built a 12-horsepower engine that could propel Wright's plane at 20 feet. on a windy North Carolina beach. The longest flight lasted 59 seconds with a distance of 852 feet. It took Taylor 6 weeks to build the engine, however, history books rarely mention the man who helped make the historic flight on December 17, 1903.

Apart from the first flight

At the height of aviation, Taylor continued to design aircraft engines for the Wright brothers as well as teach them to build their own. When the first airport was established (by the Wrights), he was appointed as the airport manager.

The partnership continued when the Wright brothers were awarded the military contract for the first military aircraft with Taylor designing and building the engines.

Taylor's adventures continued in 1911 when William Randolph Hearst offered a cash prize to the first pilot to fly over the United States in 30 days or less. Cal Rodgers, a young pilot, accepted the challenge and chose Charles Taylor to work as his mechanic.

Rodgers made it, landing and crashing from New York to Pasadena, with Taylor traveling in a car.

Charles Taylor continued in the field of aviation maintenance for over 60 years. Like Taylor, aviation maintenance technicians around the world work in the background, keeping civil and military aircraft safe. On May 24th, we recognized their achievements and humble history.

Some truths about Aviation Maintenance Technician Day

  • Flip coin

The Wright brothers toss a coin to decide who will make the world's first powered flight.

  • First flyer

After the Wright's Flyer was towed back from its fourth flight, a strong wind blew it up several times, despite the crew's efforts to hold it back. Severely damaged, the Wright Flyer was never able to fly again.

  • Sum of its parts

A Boeing 747 is the combination of six million parts.

  • Fear of height

On average, about 30% of the population has a fear of flying.

  • Irregular customers

Although it is changing dramatically, only 20% of the world's population has ever flown by plane

How to celebrate Aviation Maintenance Technician Day

  • Learn about aviation history

There are numerous articles, books, documentaries, and podcasts that discuss the development of aviation history. They are super attractive and well worth a look!

  • Say thanks!

If you know anyone who works in the airline industry, be sure to thank them for all their hard work in keeping our airways safe!

  • Notify!

Make a statement on social media and post a photo of your favorite pilot in history with the hashtag #AversionMaintenanceTechnicianDay to show your appreciation for their contributions for the modern world.


Aviation Maintenance Technician Day has been observed annually on May 24th.


Wednesday, May 24th, 2023

Friday, May 24th, 2024

Saturday, May 24th, 2025

Sunday, May 24th, 2026

Monday, May 24th, 2027

Also on Saturday, May 24th, 2025

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