Celebration of Life Day

Celebration of Life Day is observed next on Thursday, January 22nd, 2026 (325 days from today).

How many days until Celebration of Life Day?


Modern life means that the demand for everything is increasing and to meet that need, people have to work more and more. In addition to working time, parents always have to divide the time to send their children to school, take care of food and water... but they forget that spending time playing and sharing with their children is equally important. And every January 22nd is the Celebration of Life Day, which encourages people to spend time with their children or young grandchildren in the family.

Children being close to their parents will help them become healthier. According to a study by Princeton University, USA, with 5,000 young people, the absence of a father damages telomeres (repeated sequences of DNA at the ends of chromosomes) that are responsible for protecting cells. . Lack of father due to parents’ divorce shortens telomeres by 14%, without father due to death of father, telomeres decrease by 16%. Shorter telomeres have been linked to premature aging and cancer.

Besides, children who regularly receive attention from their father will have a higher IQ and your work ethic will also become better. A 2015 study found that fathers who spend more time with their children have higher job satisfaction. These men spend less time at work, but it doesn't affect their lives.

When children regularly receive care and education from their parents, they will have less trouble in life. They will develop in a healthy direction, confidently explore their surroundings and make friends more easily.

The hustle and bustle of life will make you tired and stressed for many reasons. Therefore, you should take time to rest to regain balance. Giving yourself some quiet time to see life from a different perspective can make you appreciate everything you have - especially your kids. Take time to reorganize and reflect on your children to see how lucky you have been to have them.

Life anniversaries are a great time to remind you after the hustle and bustle of work outside how special your child is, how much you love your child, and the reality of what you have for them. How big am I? This is also a time for you to look back on your child's life, to your child's future, to the day you will leave them so they can become their own people. But make sure that, even if your child grows up and has a life of his own, the bond you have with him will never be broken.

How to observe Celebration Of Life Day

There are many ways to bond with your child. On Celebration Of Life Day, spend a little more time observing, listening, and sharing with your child. Listen to stories about school, about friends, about things that make you happy and sad to better understand your child's feelings.

Another way is to take a walk with your child, A bedtime walk can be a mess for young children. However, this is a way to help your child calm down. In addition, walking also helps children feel comfortable, light and easy to say what they want to talk to you about. These must be special moments with your kids instead of them spending time watching TV.

Or Spending the evening with your children, Dinner with the whole family is a special thing for young children. They will be more interested if the whole family has stories about their day to tell each other during meals. You can prepare things like some cakes or rice rolls and some attractive drinks.

Help your children fix things in the house. Fixing things around the house is a great way to spend time with your kids. While you both paint the fence together, you can introduce your child to the tools, what to do with them and how to repair and paint the fence or tell stories about your childhood for your kids.

When fixing the faucet, your child can help you keep the flashlight and explain to him what you are doing. Conversely, as your child gets older, you keep the flashlight and let him fix it. Instead of being afraid that your child will ruin it, let your child do it with you.

Take your child to the park or to school. Parents can take advantage of the time from home to the park or take their children to school to have the opportunity to talk with their children. You walk with your child somewhere. This is a great way to slow down and have more time to talk to your child.

You can talk to your child about his plans and thoughts and ask him who he played with today. You can also hold hands and take your child to piano, karate classes… Then you go home to work, read a book or find a quiet place to wait for your child to come home. 1-2 hours sitting in a coffee shop will help you slow down and have time to relax.

Playing games with your children, cooking with them, and studying with them also help make Celebration Of life Day more meaningful.

Share your moments with your kids on social media with the hashtag #CelebrationOfLifeDay


Celebration of Life Day has been observed annually on January 22nd.


Monday, January 22nd, 2024

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025

Thursday, January 22nd, 2026

Friday, January 22nd, 2027

Saturday, January 22nd, 2028

Also on Thursday, January 22nd, 2026

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