Clean Out Your Bookcase Day

(Also known as Clean Out Your Bookcases Day)

Clean Out Your Bookcase Day is observed next on Thursday, February 20th, 2025 (124 days from today).

How many days until Clean Out Your Bookcase Day?


For paper book lovers, the bookcase will certainly be considered a "treasure". After a long year of buying a lot of new books, perhaps the end of the old year and the beginning of the New Year is a good time for you to clean up your bookcase. February 20 is Clean out Your Bookcase Day, organized to encourage people to spend time organizing and tidying up their bookcases.

Clear out your bookshelf, you will most likely find new inspiration, or see if there are books that you haven't read yet, and most importantly, tidy up to leave "space" for books. of the new year.

History of Clean Out Your Bookcase Day

The origin as well as the founder of Clean out Your Bookcase Day has not been shown by any documents or studies. The history of Clean out Your Bookcase Day is still being sought. However, it is possible that a certain book-loving reader started this day while tidying up his bookcase.

Observing Clean Out Your Bookcase Day

On Clean out Your Bookcase Day, stand in front of your bookcase and start cleaning and rearranging your books. By dusting off the bookshelves, summarize the book titles and rearrange them according to your own logic.

Steps for your reference when participating in cleaning up your bookcase

1. Take a comprehensive look at the bookcase, use your senses to assess which books, notebooks and documents are currently redundant and pre-determine the direction of rearranging furniture after cleaning.

2. Take out all the books, notebooks and documents in the house and gather them into a single location. This is a very important step! A lot of people just choose to throw away books when they are still on the shelf or just focus on clearing the bookshelves without realizing that they have a lot of books scattered in other parts of the house – this makes cleaning up unreal thoroughness. So, take time to go around the house to collect books, notebooks, documents, even the ones you are using on the table, and the books you are reading are also concentrated in one place here.

3. Group all books, notebooks and documents by categories. How to group titles completely depends on the type of books in your closet.

e.g.: academic books, non-academic books / fiction books, non-fiction books /... it all depends on the types of books you have and its own intended use.

4. Decide to keep, donate, or throw away. Decision! Decision! Decision! This is a difficult step for many people, especially those who are emotionally attached to things (for example, this book was given to me by my ex, so I can't bear to leave it, I definitely won't read this book again). But I might want to read it again later, this book is not good but I used to spend a lot of money to buy it…)... This step brings a lot of excitement!

You can make a decision by asking yourself these three questions:

1) Is this a book I need to keep?

2) Is this a book I really, really like?

3) Is this a book that I (and not anyone else) will definitely read again in the future?

If the answer is "Yes" to one or all of these three questions, you should keep the book. If the answer is "No" to all 3, decide whether to donate/donate or leave.

5. Rearrange the bookcase. After you have a minimalist stack of books, the rest will be very light, just leave the books in a scientific way and decorate and display them beautifully. You can mark the area for books by sticking small pieces of paper on the outside of the bookcase, marking this compartment area for which books. This ensures that even if a book is removed from the cabinet, it can still return to the correct location and other family members can also leave the book in the right place after reading it.

Share the fun things in your bookcase cleaning process with everyone around with the hashtag #CleanOutYourBookcaseDay.


Clean Out Your Bookcase Day has been observed annually on February 20th.


Monday, February 20th, 2023

Tuesday, February 20th, 2024

Thursday, February 20th, 2025

Friday, February 20th, 2026

Saturday, February 20th, 2027

Also on Thursday, February 20th, 2025