Fresh Veggies Day

Fresh Veggies Day is observed next on Monday, June 16th, 2025 (115 days from today).

How many days until Fresh Veggies Day?


During the month of June, we see markets full of beautiful fruits and vegetables of all colors. This summer time gives us a reminder to be mindful of the fresh fruits and vegetables that can be enjoyed throughout the season.

Fresh Veggies Day on June 16th is celebrated to commemorate the nutritional value of fresh vegetables and their importance to human health. Clean vegetables are the best source of micronutrients needed for metabolism, growth, development and disease prevention. The natural fiber content in vegetables helps prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, colon cancer. According to “Food & Wine” magazine, there is nothing called a bad vegetable. Some may need extra work to remove the outer skin or peel, and some taste better when cooked. In fact, there is no suitable reason not to eat fresh vegetables in every meal.

History of Fresh Veggies Day

The first settlers of the heartland of the United States were mainly farmers from Great Britain and Scandinavia, who brought farming techniques from their homelands to the rich lands of the Midwest. Most of the American settlers lived near the Atlantic coast and shipped their produce east for consumption. However, with the advent of the railroad in the mid-1800s, farmers could ship food directly to Chicago, where it was processed into canned goods and shipped eastward by rail or boat.

By 1852, the nationwide distribution of fruit and vegetables had become a big deal. “The New York Times” calls the California and Oregon Trails are great for transporting fresh fruit. In 1855, 59 million pounds of product were sent from the West Coast by rail.

In 1862, the Department of Agriculture was established to ensure that everyone had access to fresh vegetables and improved nutrition in the United States. So far, they have been successful. New organic and vegan products have been introduced to the market in recent years, making vegetable consumption even more accessible to all.

In the spring of 1992, a group of farmers in rural North Dakota gathered to discuss the future of their farm and their families. They want to evolve from what we call conventional farming using agrochemicals and tilling for weed control to a system that uses less chemical pollution and less fossil fuels. The farmers decided to stop using chemical pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and fertilizers on a quarter of their land. Instead, they use complex crop rotations, cover crops, manure and compost to provide fertility.

How to celebrate Fresh Veggies Day

Joining the celebration of Fresh Veggies Day is a fairly simple idea that may take a bit of planning but is totally worth it. Does something fun, delicious, and super healthy for the family, like these activities?

  • Go to the farmers market

While keeping an eye on the weather at least, take a trip to your local farmers market or specialty grocer and stock up on anything that's about to ripen along with some free recipe ideas. Also, it was fun to actually talk to the person who grew those vegetables! There may also be other local businesses present at the farmers market, such as bakers, honey harvesters, jam machines, local coffee roasters and more. It's a fun way to support local businesses and stay healthy in the process.

  • Go to U-Pick Vegetable Farm

For some of the original crops, you can even go to the farm and pick your own. How about inviting some friends and then plan an amazing day? Depending on the specific location, the farms you choose may have seasonal offerings that include fresh foods like asparagus, peas, tomatoes, and more. Fruit is also a very popular U-pick food, often offering apples, strawberries, blueberries, rhubarb and more.

Do you know any location to find a U-pick farm? Use this small online tool to see if it offers easily accessible and local options.

  • Get fresh vegetables delivered

Going to the local farmers market or U-Pick Farm can be fun, but if you're hard to reach, consider having fresh fruit and vegetables delivered to your door. Most cities and towns offer delivery services that are good for your health as well as for the earth.

Some of them choose less-than-perfect looking vegetables to their doorstep but save the earth by avoiding a ton of trash. Imperfect Foods, Misfit Market, The Chef's Garden and Farmbox Direct are just a few of the delivery services that have grown in popularity in recent years. You can check to see what is available based on location via the Internet.

  • Plant a garden in the backyard

Of course, most gardeners will confess that nothing can beat the pride, satisfaction, and taste of home-grown vegetables. Seed clubs and horticultural forums make it easy and affordable for a person to grow their own exotic and wonderful clean vegetables.

Those looking to extend the growing season and get a head start can start earlier in the spring by sowing the seeds in small inner containers. Then, when the weather warms up locally, these small seedlings can be transferred outside.

There's nothing better than eating a vegetable or fruit from the garden you've grown yourself!

  • Eat a variety of fresh vegetables

Keeping a variety of fresh vegetables around the house is the best way to ensure you have enough to eat each day. After bringing them home from the store, it can be helpful to cut or chop them right away so they can be easily obtained as a snack without much preparation. Some of the healthiest vegetables on the planet are:

○ Spinach. This super food is packed with nutrients. One cup of raw spinach provides more than half of the daily allowance of Vitamin A and 100% of the daily requirement for Vitamin K. It is also high in beta carotene and lutein, which are super helpful antioxidants.

○  Carrot. With over 400% of the daily allowance of vitamin A, carrots top the list, in terms of health. Plus, they're easy to grow, easy to maintain, and long-lasting. There are even some studies that show that people who eat carrots regularly can reduce their risk of cancer!

○ Broccoli. Dark green vegetables are very good for the human body, and broccoli is no exception. It is full of Vitamin K, Vitamin C, manganese, folic acid and potassium.

  • Check both the website and app

For more information on which vegetables provide the best nutrition and health benefits, visit the My Plate website. The program provides information on how many "servings" of vegetables contain, suggestions for people of different age groups and even how to count beans and lentils!

To make things even simpler, there's even a downloadable app to help track healthy eating habits on the go with a smartphone or smart watch.

  • Try some new recipes

If it's hard to envision adding vegetables to a meal, perhaps find inspiration by sharing new recipes. The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the healthiest on earth, and many recipes can be found that include fresh, unprocessed vegetables. Meal plans often include grilled vegetables, such as tomatoes, broccoli, cucumbers, kale, spinach, onions, and more in olive oil and pair with healthy meats like fresh fish or even put them on bread.

When it comes to Fresh Veggies Day, nothing ends with including vegetables in meals - not just on this day but every day!

Some facts about Broccoli

  • Most Important Contributor

Broccoli production in the US from California reaches 90%.

  • World record for eating broccoli

Tom Landers holds the title of world record for eating broccoli; he ate a pound of broccoli in just 92 seconds.

  • Loved by the American people

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, the average American eats about 4 pounds of broccoli each year.

Broccoli has the ability to prevent cancer.

Antioxidants present in broccoli reduce oxidative stress, thus preventing cancer.

  • The heaviest broccoli is up to 35 pounds

According to the Guinness World Records, the heaviest broccoli to date is 35 pounds - it was grown by John and Mary Evans in 1993.

Why we love Fresh Veggies Day

  • Fresh Veggies Day encourages us to eat more and more vegetables

The important reason for Fresh Veggies Day celebration is to encourage people to add more fresh vegetables in their meals. People tend to assume it should be consumed cooked, but many vegetables like carrots and cabbage can be safely eaten raw.

  • It educates people about the importance of vegetables

Fresh vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet as they are full of vitamins and minerals, which are very helpful in providing us with energy. Fresh Veggies Day aims to educate people about the benefits of consuming fresh fruits and vegetables every day.

  • It creates environmental awareness

Fresh food can be important for your health, but it's also important for maintaining our environment. Consuming a plant-based diet helps reduce greenhouse gases and conserves our natural resources.


Fresh Veggies Day has been observed annually on June 16th.


Friday, June 16th, 2023

Sunday, June 16th, 2024

Monday, June 16th, 2025

Tuesday, June 16th, 2026

Wednesday, June 16th, 2027

Also on Monday, June 16th, 2025

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