Holy Tuesday

(Also known as Great and Holy Tuesday, Great Tuesday)

Holy Tuesday is observed next on Tuesday, April 15th, 2025 (55 days from today).

How many days until Holy Tuesday?


Holy Week is an important time for Catholics because it heralds the coming Easter season. Holy Week is the last week of Lent, from Palm Sunday to the end of the Easter Vigil. During this week, the Christian churches commemorate the passion and death of Jesus Christ, celebrating the Mysteries that Jesus accomplished in his last days on earth. For Christians, every liturgical celebration this week speaks of grief, but with gratitude that God made himself human to suffer and die for sinful humanity. Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, or Passion Sunday, the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday following, and Thursday morning. Not everyone understands Good Tuesday because activities are usually concentrated on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Today we will be talking about Holy Tuesday, which is celebrated before Easter.

History of Holy Tuesday

Holy Tuesday tells the beginning of the treacherous journey of Judas Iscarios, who sold the Master for a fraction of the price of the perfume bottle he regretted when Mary used to anoint the Master's feet.

Indeed, there is nothing more painful than being betrayed by a loved one. That helps us to understand the heart of Jesus, He was troubled when faced with the harsh truth: betrayal. Peter and Judas were both apostles whom Jesus loved in a special way: assigned to the post of Administrator and chosen to be the Chief Apostle. But both took advantage of the Master's love and trust to betray: greed and complacency.

It was money that blinded Judas' conscience; pride caused Peter to let his guard down, not seeing his own weakness, imperfection, lack of trust in God and then falling tragically.

May God give us more grace so that we don't leave God because of greed for money and material things to get work and power. Don't let anyone sell their conscience for profit and sell out others.

How to Observe Holy Tuesday

On Holy Tuesday, the sheep will go to the church to pray. God lived life like us. God has seen all the difficulties and hardships of human life. God also knows that with the human condition, inherently fragile and weak and causes many crimes against fellow human beings. You taught us to love, to make peace and to create peace, but we could not live like that, because each of us was still stubborn and filled with hatred and hatred. Thank you for your strength to help us live a life like you. Amen.


Holy Tuesday has been observed 5 days before Easter.


Tuesday, April 4th, 2023

Tuesday, March 26th, 2024

Tuesday, April 15th, 2025

Tuesday, March 31st, 2026

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2027

Also on Tuesday, April 15th, 2025

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