International Nurses' Day

International Nurses' Day is observed next on Monday, May 12th, 2025 (118 days from today).

How many days until International Nurses' Day?


International Nurses’ Day is celebrated every May 12th, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birth around the world.

Unfortunately, many people think that the most important people are doctors in the system of health care, but it is simply not true. In spite of their health, nurses still play an important role in all medical facilities, responsible for the well-being, safety and recovery of patients.

Nurses have an enormous amount of knowledge and diverse skills that they spend years perfecting and developing, they always work in certain extreme environments where extreme stress is only part of job. Nurses help bring new life to the world, tirelessly caring for the sick and injured, and sometimes witnessing the deaths of patients they did everything they could to save despite their best efforts.

In many cases, a careful nurse can realize any mistake in a doctor's prescription, which saves someone's life in time. Working in long hours and emotional compulsion is an important part of every nurse's life on International Nurses’ Day.

History of International Nurses' Day

All things had been started since 1953. Dorothy Sutherland, who was an official with the USA Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, had contacted President Dwight D. Eisenhower for asking him to publish “International Nurses' Day”. However, he did not accept her offer at the time. The International Nurses' Day has been celebrating on May 12th every year since 1965.

May 12th is chosen as an interesting time for all nurses around the world, which is the anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing. January 1974 was finally officially recognized as International Nurses’ Day. Since then, each year, ICN prepares and distributes something called International Nurses’ Day containing public information and educational materials, for use by nurses everywhere.

International Nurses’ Day every year has a different theme. If it is used suitably, it will give us more useful information in order to understand the focus and may even help you decide what you will do to commemorate International Nurses’ Day. For example, “Nursing the healthy world” is designed to pay attention on the real value that nurses bring to people around the world. A lot of big organizations around the world accept International Nurses’ Day to use this theme to guide their celebrations.

International Nurses’ Day was celebrating in order to honor and appreciate all the nurses around the world and the incredible work they do. It is unavailable to think about a world without nurses. Who will be person in charge of caring you when you are sick? Nurses bring us a lot of benefits to our lives as well as the lives of people we love. Therefore, we have a special day to honor and recognize all their efforts.

Nurses have a very diverse role and they are responsible for a number of different things in the workplace including writing patient care plans, assisting with assessments and tests, setting up transfusions and drips, testing and using medications and injections, and following and documenting the patient's condition. They will also maintain patient records, advice secondary and student nurses, organize staff, and reassure patients and their loved ones. This only scratches the surface! From responding quickly to emergencies to planning discharges and performing routine investigations, the list goes on! Nurses certainly play a huge role in the health and well-being of human all over the world.

How to celebrate International Nurses’ Day

In order to honor nurses' endless contributions to society, take this opportunity to show a nurse who has cared for you knows how much you appreciate them on International Nurses’ Day. With most appreciated gestures, you decide to have to be extravagant or cost a fortune. However, it is sad that many people neglect the contribution of nurses, treat them as some robots that follow their doctor's orders, so it's all good to say a simple "thank you".

If you feel especially grateful for a certain nurse who has taken care of you (feeding you, bringing you blankets, wiping your vomit, monitoring your vital signs, making sure that you took the right medication, changed your bandages, helped you get to the bathroom, let you cry on his or her shoulder, or any of the hundreds of other things a nurse does). International Nurses’ Day is a great holiday in order to express that gratitude. So go to the hospital with a box of chocolates, a nice bottle of wine, or anything else you think that particular nurse might like.

After spending months in the hospital with serious conditions, some people decide to order pizza or pastries for the entire medical team taking care of them, a gesture to remember you forever. However, as mentioned before, that is the most important thought. A nurse's primary goal is to help you get through your treatment and recover from your illness, so just knowing they're successful is a bonus.

This day is the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birthday; you may want to spend some time researching more about Florence Nightingale and everything she has achieved. There are many online resources, as well as many published books. Florence Nightingale was considered as the founder of modern nursing. She was a trainer as well as a manager for nurses during the Crimean War. Moreover, she also took care of soldiers wounded in battle. This led to her becoming an icon of Victorian culture, giving nurses a favorable reputation.

Florence was also the founder of professional nursing when she founded the nursing school in 1860. The school is located at St Thomas' hospital in London, which became a part of King's College London at present. In that period, it was considered as the first nursing school around the world. How a great achievement is! This only scratches the surface of her achievements. Her social reforms included expanding women's participation in the workforce, helping to abolish prostitution laws that made it difficult for women, advocating for improved hunger relief in India, and helping in out of poverty as well as healthcare for all segments of society in the UK.


International Nurses' Day has been observed annually on May 12th.


Friday, May 12th, 2023

Sunday, May 12th, 2024

Monday, May 12th, 2025

Tuesday, May 12th, 2026

Wednesday, May 12th, 2027

Also on Monday, May 12th, 2025

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