International Programmers' Day

International Programmers' Day is observed next on Wednesday, January 7th, 2026 (322 days from today).

How many days until International Programmers' Day?


Computers, technology, and software make the modern world all around - but for every smart software, there is always a programmer (and often-programming teams) behind the scenes, solving problems with smart code, cloud security solutions, and intense development projects. Think about these digital pioneers on Programmers Day!

History of International Programmers' Day

It is celebrated every year on the 256th day; Programmer's Day honors innovators who continue to change the world. Also known as International Programmer Day, this date is organized based on binary code. The number 256 is different for programmers. Represented by an eight-bit byte 256 equals 2 with the eighth power. This digit makes it the highest capacity of the two numbers less than 365. When translated into binary code, the date has the value 1 0000 0000.

Day honoring programmers around the world. Hardly no one in the civilized world benefits from programmer's tools. Whether we go to transportation or medicine, finance or education, the program affects all of them. Nearly every large enterprise requires programmers to maintain their infrastructure from an IT point of view. Telecommunication continues to advance thanks to programmers. The auto industry depends on programmers for the latest brands to kick off the assembly line. Security, social and entertainment geared towards programmers to find the latest information on protection, design and innovation.

The Benefits of Being a Programmer

Firstly, programming is extremely fun.

Knowing how to code is a powerful skill. Once you have mastered the basics, it is easy to build a wide range of applications, from custom websites to scripts that automate boring tasks and even games! If you have the patience to learn new programming languages ​​and tools, the limit is your imagination!

Hackathons are a great way to write code that is fun and often done for a good reason. At a hackathon, teams of tech workers write vigorously in a short amount of time (usually a weekend) to complete a project based on cause, tool, or language. It's a great way to meet other people with similar interests and add cool side projects to your resume.

Secondly, programming makes the world a better place

The world would not be what it is today without programmers. Everything uses technology. From the way we connect with loved ones in the distance to the way we give directions when we travel, programmers make everyday life easier.

Technology has also had a positive impact on the health sector. Everything from insulin pumps to the health data collected by the CDC has helped keep people healthier and live longer. Moreover, this is just the beginning.

This job is so great

In fact, programmers are in high demand today. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, job prospects for software engineers are expected to grow 21% between 2018-2028, much higher than most other jobs. Not to mention the median salary is reported to be over $ 105k!

How to become a programmer

Not a programmer yet? Do not worry! To be a programmer is easier than today.

Today, you do not need a college degree to become a software developer. What companies really care about is that you know your tools and have projects to prove it.

To get a job as a programmer, take an online course to learn how to code and use popular tools and frameworks. Many classes even offer certificates, which are great additions to your resume. Once you've finished your class, don't stop coding! The key to a job in the industry are side projects. Go with a group of classmates or join a local hackathon and build something. Make sure to host your code somewhere like GitHub, and add links to your projects on your resume.

What Do People Do?

Honor the programmers or learn more about programming. If you are interested, consider pursuing a career. Technology career continues to grow in all areas.

Attend or host a job fair.

Develop your programming skills.

Take courses to advance your career.

Advisor someone interested in programming.

Share some quirky programmed puns. Yes, pun. We know you love pressing F5. It is refreshing.

Share your experiences and post on social media using #DayoftheProgrammer hastag to show your appreciation.


International Programmers' Day has been observed annually on January 7th.


Sunday, January 7th, 2024

Tuesday, January 7th, 2025

Wednesday, January 7th, 2026

Thursday, January 7th, 2027

Friday, January 7th, 2028

Also on Wednesday, January 7th, 2026

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