Jackie Robinson Day

Jackie Robinson Day is observed next on Tuesday, April 15th, 2025 (53 days from today).

How many days until Jackie Robinson Day?


Jackie Robinson Day is observed annually on April 15th.

April 15 has a lot going on - it's Tax Day and Patriots Day but in baseball it's the most important day because it's Jackie Robinson's Day.

History of Jackie Robinson Day

In 1947, Robinson broke the so-called baseball line when he made his debut for the Brooklyn Dodgers team since moving to Los Angeles in front of 26,000 fans at Ebbets Field, New York, becoming the first African-American to participate in the majors.

For nearly eight decades, the black team excluded African-American players from playing for MLB teams and their minor league teams, until Robinson broke the barrier on Season Open Day in 1947 which falls on April 15.

The players will wear the number 42 on their shirt number today. Just for every column you read there will be a flashback or flashback to the man of today. Even if you've read a lot of this book and know the general story, you should take the extra time to redraw it yourself. It may be even better, let check out Jackie's Baseball-Reference.com. Sometimes I feel like we spend so much time talking about Robinson breaking the color barrier that we forget that he's a hell of a baseball player and would deserve a Hall of Fame.

It's also worth taking a look at some of Robinson's post-competition career, which includes a lot of important work in the civil rights movement and is often overlooked. Robinson is a complex and interesting man and that is often lost by spending too much time with the famous and heavily told women in his stories.

How to celebrate Jackie Robinson Day

You can list up something you can do in this day

  • Watch some matches of Jackie Robinson before to honor him.
  • Study and get more knowledge about him in the past.
  • Organize some mini games relating Jackie Robinson and what he did in the past.


Jackie Robinson Day has been observed annually on April 15th.


Saturday, April 15th, 2023

Monday, April 15th, 2024

Tuesday, April 15th, 2025

Wednesday, April 15th, 2026

Thursday, April 15th, 2027

Also on Tuesday, April 15th, 2025

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