Mario Day

Mario Day is observed next on Tuesday, March 10th, 2026 (357 days from today).

How many days until Mario Day?


Mario Day is celebrated on March 10 every year because March 10 when we write “Mar10”, it is similar to Mario's name. Mario was first published by Nintendo in1985. Since then, there have been about 200 different games featuring Mario. The Mario game has claimed the title of one of the best-selling video game series in history, beating even the most popular competitors like Pokemon.

History of Mario Day

Mario Day has taken place on March 10 every year for the past decade. Although the exact year of origin is unknown, fans celebrated before Nintendo officially accepted the holiday in 2016. When Nintendo officially accepted this holiday, they began to celebrate both new and old games, offer special deals and discounts, and start Mario themed events and drive sales on some of their games.

Mario's first game was Donkey Kong, which was released by Nintendo in 1981. The design for the cartoon character was created by renowned Japanese video game designer Shigeru Miyamoto, who also created Super Mario, Donkey Kong, The Legend of Zelda and Starfox. The video game Mario Bros was very successful, a movie adaptation of the game, titled "Mario Bros", was released in 1993, but it flopped, both commercially and by audience. This was one of the first attempts to recreate video games into movies.

With each version, the Mario series always make the best effort to keeping the fun but challenges in each game, especially, make people be addictive at all. The US version of Super Mario Bros 2, which is the first games that a woman, Princess Peach, can play on a list of 4 selectable characters. The Mario series and other games include new adventures to explore or new challenges to beat, even encouraging players to play with a group of friends.

How to Celebrate Mario Day

While it may be obvious, the best way to celebrate Mario Day is to play! But some other fun options to celebrate this weird day could make it even better for kids and adults alike.

Play Mario Brothers video game

Dust off that Nintendo console and spend the day enjoying the joys and frustrations that come with platform games (games that make you jump from one level to another or overcome obstacles. to advance). Those who grew up with the game may ask themselves if they are showing their children the joy that Mario and all the characters are ready for them. Today is the perfect day! Take some quality time to share the fun and memories with this new generation of players.

Dress up at work or at school

Find out in advance if your school or work is celebrating, and if not, check out how to make it happen. Try wearing that iconic red and blue outfit. Or dress up as another character from the series and see who your friends really know who they are. Of course, what would Mario be without Luigi and his other friends?!

Mario's Party of the Day

Cakes, cupcakes and other treats can also be made and enjoyed on this day. In fact, the recipe ideas inspired by Mario Bros. available by a simple online search. Refer some recipe to share at work, at school, or with your friends and relatives at Mario Party:

  • Peanut Butter Star Sandwiches. Since the game is based on collecting stars, make peanut butter sandwiches and then use the star cookie cutters to create adorable, mouth-watering finger sandwiches.
  • 1UP "Mushroom" burger. Do a bit of food coloring magic and green the tops of the sliders, bake the toast and then add small circles of mozzarella cheese (let them melt while the bun is still on). Serve on top of burgers topped with melted white cheese.
  • Electric Flower Platter Plate. Pour the white vegetables into a white or yellow bowl and place it about ⅓ of the way down a large white plate. Place around the bowl with sliced ​​yellow peppers, young carrots, and grape tomatoes to form a "flower". Thinly slice cucumbers and broccoli to remove stems and leaves. Place two black olives in a bowl of water to create the eyes.

Games and entertainment are in combination, so let enjoy and spend a moment on remembering why the Mario Series has been so successful is the perfect way to celebrate Mario Day. How about giving this game with your friends and family. Mario loves his brother Luigi, so share the love as well as the joy!

Fun trivia about Mario

Many people believed that the Mario character is named of a famous businessman who first rented warehouse space to the Nintendo Company, Mario Segale.


Mario Day has been observed annually on March 10th.


Sunday, March 10th, 2024

Monday, March 10th, 2025

Tuesday, March 10th, 2026

Wednesday, March 10th, 2027

Friday, March 10th, 2028

Founded by

Mario Fascitelli (of Albuquerque, NM)



Also on Tuesday, March 10th, 2026

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