National Applesauce Cake Day

National Applesauce Cake Day is observed next on Friday, June 6th, 2025 (112 days from today).

How many days until National Applesauce Cake Day?


Each year on June 6th, National Applesauce Cake Day recognizes a delicious and easy treat.

People find making dessert a difficult task. National Applesauce Cake Day gives you the chance to hone your culinary and gourmet entertainment skills. Although it is a simple dish to bake, today you can unleash your creativity and variation. People can even show their patriotic side as they bake in a storm.

History of National Applesauce Cake Day

Apple pie is a traditional dessert that has apple sauce as its main ingredient. Various spices are also added to the moist cake. Most Americans like to eat a slice of apple pie with afternoon tea or after dinner. Some others sprinkle some cinnamon on top.

This cake became popular with Americans during the colonial period in New England. From the early 1900s to the 1950s, local cookbooks featured impromptu recipes for apple pie. But it was during World War I that apple pie became the favorite dessert of American households.

Apple pies are super affordable and don't take long to bake. It doesn't have any fancy coatings and, therefore, has a longer shelf life than refrigerated cakes. The best part about the cake is that it consists of only two main ingredients - flour and apple sauce.

During the war, apple pie was made by American housewives because of lack of food. Before long, it became famous as a patriotic dish and enjoyed by people of all ages. If there is a serving of flour, corn or oat flour is added to the cake mix instead.

Facts of the National Applesauce Cake Day

  • Applesauce cake can vary in flavor depending on the seasoning.
  • Applesauce cake doesn't spoil easily compared to other cakes because of the spices that are included.
  • This day is celebrated on the same day as National Teachers Day.
  • Applesauce cake promotes good digestion. This is because apple sauce promotes the growth of probiotics that are good for the stomach and intestines.
  • Different varieties of apple pie can taste different depending on the spices used to make them. Some apple pies are very sweet just like the regular cakes we eat. Other apple pies are savory and some are tart.
  • Applesauce cake is often served as coffee cake. This means they are often served alongside coffee.
  • The origins of apple pie can be traced back to early colonial times in the United States.
  • Some varieties of Applesauce cake are served with confectioner's sugar as the topping.
  • Some applesauce cakes are added more caramel or frostings.
  • Applesauce cake tends to be moist due to the presence of apple sauce which is a liquid.

How to celebrate National Applesauce Cake Day

  • Bake an eccentric cake

If you're the type who likes to experiment with their food, making a freak cake, aka Depression cake or war cake, can be a great way to familiarize yourself with the basics of baking. War cakes were very popular during World War I and World War II. People have replaced ingredients like sugar and fat with ingredients that are cheaper and easier to find in their area. For example, sugar is replaced with apple sauce, and butter is replaced with oil.

  • Canning and preserving apples

Do you miss canning fresh apples with your beloved grandma? Why not relive your childhood and bring back sweet memories? Canning is a fun way to store your favorite fruits in bulk and enjoy them all year round in recipes like cakes, puddings, and pastries. You can store them in sugar syrup or freeze them in a ziplock bag. Be sure to dry the apples completely before storing and use lemon juice to slow down oxidation.

  • Organize a charity bread sale

You can invite your local community and plan a special theme for your cake sale. Participants can bake cakes according to the event's theme. Try to hold an event as interesting as possible. You can have a small photo booth where people can take pictures with their cakes, or you can hire a photographer to take professional photos of the event.

Why we love National Applesauce Cake Day

  • It attracts foreigners to try American desserts

Americans love to bake applesauce. It's a popular dessert among locals due to its simplicity and its association with wartime deprivation. However, it is not as popular as other cream cakes such as pineapple upside down cake and red velvet cake. National Applesauce Cake Day is a great way to introduce this wonderful dessert to people of different cultures and countries who have never enjoyed it before.

  • It promotes the idea of ​​living simply

Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to use expensive ingredients to make delicious desserts. Apple pie is one such dessert that doesn't need to add any flavoring to taste good. All you need is flour and apple sauce in your pantry to enjoy this wonderful dessert.

  • It gives you a glimpse of US history

Food shortages were common during World War I and World War II. People had to preserve food to keep it longer. Food shortages hit American households hard. And since apple pie was consumed heavily during this period, it reminds us of all the challenges and hardships Americans faced during that difficult time.


National Applesauce Cake Day has been observed annually on June 6th.


Tuesday, June 6th, 2023

Thursday, June 6th, 2024

Friday, June 6th, 2025

Saturday, June 6th, 2026

Sunday, June 6th, 2027

Also on Friday, June 6th, 2025

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