National California Strawberry Day

National California Strawberry Day is observed next on Friday, March 21st, 2025 (29 days from today).

How many days until National California Strawberry Day?


California has San Diego land which is famous for U-Pick farm, there are many delicious and clean fruits grown here. If you are traveling to the US, don't miss the opportunity to enjoy them like peaches, blueberries or grapes and especially the red strawberries taste that nowhere else is available. And in recognition of the love of all Americans, especially Californians, for California strawberries, California Strawberry Day is celebrated annually on March 21, which is supposed to be the start of the summer, because California strawberry season is associated with summer there.

One of the highlights of the San Diego region of California, USA is the vast orchards with all kinds of fresh fruit trees. In particular, U - Pick is a pretty famous farm in the state of Florida. This place grows a lot of fresh agricultural products such as strawberries, blueberries, grapes, peaches, lemons, corn and tomatoes... according to traditional farming methods to ensure product quality.

History of National California Strawberry Day

National California Strawberry Day was proposed by the California Strawberry Advisory Board in 1983. With the strawberry season stretching across the summer, National California Strawberry Day serves as a true sign of the end of spring, celebrating the season of Strawberries that start in summer.

In the summer, tourists often flock to San Diego not only to enjoy the cool climate, admire the beautiful nature but also to have an opportunity for the family to have fun experiences at the U-Pick farm. Just breathe in the fresh air, help your children learn some life knowledge for themselves, and you can bring economic value to the locality here. U – Pick was a great trip, not a waste.

In addition, Strawberries are not only in San Diego but also grown in Washington, Marysville is famous for its export strawberries. On the second weekend of June, there will be a fun strawberry festival, everyone participates in games, laughs and enjoys strawberries.

Strawberries have many health benefits for everyone. One of those benefits is good for pregnant women, enhance eyes and reduce dark circles, prevent cancer, help produce happy hormones. Let’s add strawberries to the menu during pregnancy to create a good premise for the baby’s development. Eating strawberries will help provide you and your baby with essential vitamins and minerals. If you are suffering from dark circles, strawberries will be very helpful because they have anti-inflammatory and skin lightening properties. In addition, vitamin C in strawberries limits eye diseases such as cataracts. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory in strawberries fight the proliferation of tumors and prevent tumors from spreading. Depression is caused be negative emotions. And you can fight this disease with natural ingredients. When you feel sad, eat strawberries. The ingredients in strawberries support the blood carrying nutrients to the brain, fight the formation of homocysteine and increase the happy hormones such as dopamine and serotonin, help you regain your sanity.

How to celebrate the National California Strawberry Day

On National California Strawberry Day you can go to the strawberry gardens or farms at U-Pick California to hand-pick fresh, delicious strawberries, enjoy the sweetness of strawberries. Besides visiting the farm directly, you can create dishes with strawberry recipes such as pies, strawberry cookies. Add strawberries to your list of healthy morning snacks. Because strawberries are a perfect source of vitamin C. Either way, share how you're responding to the day on social media with the hashtag #NationalCaliforniaStrawberryDay.


National California Strawberry Day has been observed annually on March 21st.


Tuesday, March 21st, 2023

Thursday, March 21st, 2024

Friday, March 21st, 2025

Saturday, March 21st, 2026

Sunday, March 21st, 2027

Also on Friday, March 21st, 2025

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