National Cubicle Day

National Cubicle Day is observed next on Monday, April 28th, 2025 (68 days from today).

How many days until National Cubicle Day?


National Cubicle day is a day for office employee to show their individuality through decorating their office spaces.

National Cubicle Day on April 28th every year honors Robert Propst, who was the creator of the concept of office cabinets. As far as you know the office is a partially enclosed workspace that is divided from other adjacent office workspaces by partitions. Cubicle's aim is to separate office workers from the noise and sight of an open workspace, this helps employee’s work in privacy and with less distraction and this concept also boosts productivity.

History of National Cubicle Day

The origin and history of National Cubicle Day are not known. In 1967, the office room was designed by designer Robert Propst for furniture manufacturer Herman Miller as “Action Office II.” Since its introduction, the office room has not had any significant changes. The cube is a combination of modular elements including work surfaces, walls, shelves and drawers that can be arranged according to the needs of the user. Cubicles offer workers an extraordinary level of privacy and personalization compared to the old work environment that often consisted of lined work surfaces in an open office. In some offices, employees can decorate a cubicle workspace with pictures, posters and other items of their choice.

How to celebrate National Cubicle Day

You can celebrate this holiday in many different ways. You can rearrange your space following some rules of Feng Shui to use the space effectively and help improve your inner balance. Entire offices can participate by holding a cube decoration contest. Moreover, you can highly appreciate the walls that protect you from your neighbors and bring you some privacy to work independently. However you choose to celebrate, make sure it's creative and allows you to make the most of the small space in which you do your work. In addition, take a photo of your decorated room and post it on social media and even share your thoughts on that day with others on social media using the hashtags #CubicleDay or #NationalCubicleDay.

Feng Shui for the office

Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese tradition uses energetic forces to connect individuals to their surroundings. Feng shui can be used in any office space including your office. Everything around you in the office affects you and your personal energy. By controlling your own space, no matter how small, you are controlling this energy. You may not be able to move your desk or other furniture, but there are other things you can do to easily improve the flow of life in your office. Below are six easy methods to improve your space.

  • Organization is important in any space regardless of size. Office rooms can get cluttered very quickly, so finding an organization system that works and keeps your space well-ventilated will go a long way. Clutter can impede the flow of your energy and quickly turn your room into an unproductive space.
  • Make sure your boss will agree to bring items to personalize your space. Small potted plants can brighten up your space. Photos of fun events can also bring more energy to your space and remind you of your days away from the office. Small copies of your favorite works of art can also make your space more inviting.
  • Staring at a computer screen for long hours can drain you both physically and mentally. Do not hesitate to take a rest, go walking, or flip through some paperwork for a while to refresh your eyes and brain.
  • Feng shui always require substations. You do not need wind chimes or a meditation garden to make your space feel like it has achieved Feng Shui. Find what works best for you and your office and in doing so you will achieve more peace with your space.
  • With your back to the office door can be distracting from constantly looking behind to see who has entered. Using a mirror or even something shiny to reflect what's behind you can help reduce distractions and reduce neck strain from not having to look behind as much.
  • Achieving Feng Shui in your office can be nearly impossible. If that's the case, you can find other areas of your life to focus on. Try to find other areas of your home or apartment to create more capacity. Having a relaxing space to come home to will make your working hours seem less bad.

However, you want to celebrate today as a day to appreciate your office space and give it some love.


National Cubicle Day has been observed annually on April 28th.


Friday, April 28th, 2023

Sunday, April 28th, 2024

Monday, April 28th, 2025

Tuesday, April 28th, 2026

Wednesday, April 28th, 2027

Also on Monday, April 28th, 2025

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