National Dissertation Day

National Dissertation Day is observed next on Saturday, April 26th, 2025 (65 days from today).

How many days until National Dissertation Day?


National Dissertation Day is a reminder for students to focus and complete the pinnacle of their education.

History of National Dissertation Day

Dr. Russell Strickland realized the fact that, each year, the dissertation process costs students $40,000 or more, and delaying it for two, three or more years is not reasonable.

There are many research-based doctoral degrees awarded in different fields but what all of these degree programs have in common is the doctoral thesis.

Dissertations have played an important part of the doctoral program since ancient times. The term 'argument' derives from the Greek with meaning "something put forward" or may not be true depending on the evidence or evidence.

In the mid-12th century, the first doctorate was appeared and awarded in Paris. The Doctor of Philosophy appeared in Germany about 500 years later and is a direct predecessor of the modern Doctor. Today, universities in the United States award many research-based doctorates. Each type of degrees is specific to a discipline. D.B.A (business), Ed.D (educational), D.N.P. (nursing), and Psy (Psychology) are some typical examples of popular professionals in industry, business and private practice as opposed to traditional academia.

However, one thing in common is that these degree programs all have a doctoral thesis in common. Born from the master-servant relationship of medieval merchant guilds, the thesis is the masterpiece of the doctoral process. The condition of graduation is that each PhD student has to complete an independent research project and write a thesis - a book-length paper that details every aspect of the project.

In the United States, there are more than 50,000 awarded doctorate degrees per year and complete the dissertation successfully. However, only about 50% of those who apply for a doctoral program ever graduate. Each year, there are around 50,000 students withdrawing from the doctoral program because they cannot complete their thesis.

Tuition fees for most doctoral programs nationwide exceed $20,000 per year and can be significantly higher. It takes from five to seven years to complete their doctorate, and often much more. In addition, the amount for tuition is lower than the costs with deferring the potential income growth enjoyed by doctoral graduates. People having a doctorate usually earn more at least $20,000/year than people with a master's degree.

Why National Dissertation Day is important?

  • It builds an online community

National Dissertation Day has promoted an online community as a support group for struggling students and stand with them to let them know they are not alone.

  • It motivates students

National Dissertation Day is a reminder to promote students to achieve the best result in education by outlining the harmful effects of delaying their graduation for two, three or more years.

  • It breaks the stigma surrounding horror stories in theses

National Dissertation Day is effective and useful to demonstrate and make clear some information relating rumors of horror stories in dissertations. It brings truth to gossip through an authentic thesis experience based on research and backed by data.

How to celebrate National Dissertation Day

If you are a PhD student, let take advantage of National Dissertation Day as an opportunity to finish your writing process. Later, you can complete your graduation and make big impact in the world as soon as possible.

If you are a PhD candidate participating in a dissertation, this day is the perfect chance to get rid of any bad habits. Get your thesis back on track with a few tweaks.

At last, if you know of a struggling PhD student, how about celebrating National Dissertation Day together? Do not forget to encourage people to develop a caring attitude towards their thesis and help them get over the embarrassment, stress, and frustration of the writing process as soon as possible.

Use #NationalDissertationDay to share on social media.


National Dissertation Day has been observed annually on April 26th.


Wednesday, April 26th, 2023

Friday, April 26th, 2024

Saturday, April 26th, 2025

Sunday, April 26th, 2026

Monday, April 26th, 2027

Founded by

Dr. Russell Strickland in 2018

Also on Saturday, April 26th, 2025

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