National Good Samaritan Day

(Also known as Good Samaritan Involvement Day)

National Good Samaritan Day is observed next on Friday, March 13th, 2026 (352 days from today).

How many days until National Good Samaritan Day?


National Good Samaritan Day is celebrated on March 13 every year. This day recognizes the selfless act of people to help others in need.

History of National Good Samaritan Day

The founder of National Good Samaritan Day remains a mystery. It was celebrated on March 13, the day Ms. Genovese died. To avoid such incidents, we should always keep our eyes open and help those in need. This can be a small act where you have to help an elderly person cross a busy street or pick up a dropped phone and return it to the owner. We should spread love and happiness in every possible way to make the world a better place to live!

Why National Good Samaritan Day?

According to the Bible, the term “Good Samaritan” describes someone who helps a stranger who has no clothing, food, or shelter. A Good Samaritan is one who does not risk helping such a stranger by not only providing them with food but also taking them to a place where they can be well taken care of.

This day is celebrated in honor of Catherine “Kitty” Genovese. She was brutally murdered near her home on March 13, 1964. A little humanity could save her life. According to studies, Ms. Genovese's killer was interrupted twice. Both times, it was a neighbor or an intruder. But both of them ignored it, and neither of them came to help her or call someone for help. The third trespasser did not ignore the situation and called the police for help. But unfortunately, Miss Genovese is already dead by law.

This shameful incident should strike everyone's conscience. We never know; maybe a small act of kindness can change someone's life. On the contrary, not knowing someone's pain is the worst thing we can do. The third person who called the police was a Good Samaritan. He helped a random stranger when he saw her struggling despite a different religion or ideology. Unfortunately, he was too late.

Historians still debate how many bystanders that day ignored Muss Genovese's plea for help. Some new articles even claim that about forty people heard her screams but ignored them. This incident is credited with creating the 911 emergency call. National outrage then led to the introduction of the 911 emergency system in 1968.

The term Samaritan includes all kinds of unselfish and generous actions. Being a Good Samaritan is not hard work; all it requires is a good heart and a willingness to do goodwill for others. If your heart aches at the sight of a stranger's cry for help and you can't resist the urge to rush in and help this stranger, then congratulations, my friend, you are a Good Samaritan.

Today, each of us is busy in our own lives. We don't care about others. This day is a reminder to people of this generation that an act of kindness won't affect us much but can change someone's life. Putting a smile on a stranger's face brings a sense of satisfaction. This will fill your heart, and this feeling is very important. We should also encourage others to show kindness and set a good example.

Celebrating National Good Samaritan Day

Celebrate the day by acting like a Good Samaritan. Do something for others. Volunteer your time. Help the stranger, the elderly, the mentally ill, or the person in danger like Catherine Genovese did. Help someone you don't normally come in contact with, or who seem different from you in many ways. An act of kindness can have an impact that improves the entire world.


National Good Samaritan Day has been observed annually on March 13th.


Wednesday, March 13th, 2024

Thursday, March 13th, 2025

Friday, March 13th, 2026

Saturday, March 13th, 2027

Monday, March 13th, 2028

Also on Friday, March 13th, 2026

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