National Kids and Pets Day
National Kids and Pets Day is observed next on Saturday, April 26th, 2025 (102 days from today).
National Kids and Pets Day demonstrates the importance of choosing the suitable pets for kids. It is an important decision that can lead to a lifelong bond between the pet and the child.
What better way to celebrate Animal Cruelty Month than to celebrate National Kids and Pets Day on April 26th every year? Stemming from the need to raise awareness about pets’ choice for kids, National Kids and Pets Day also celebrates the relationship between pets and children sharing and highlights safety tips for pets and children.
History of National Kids and Pets Day
Apart from small children, animals show us the purest form of love. National Kids and Pets Day shows the relationship between our children and pets, and the importance of choosing the right pets for our children at the right time.
Former Emergency Medical Technician (E.M.T) named Colleen Paige recognized the signification of calling and passion for animals. She began training dogs at the National Dog Training Institute of Los Angeles, and then becoming an animal behaviorist, interior designer, writer, photographer, and author. Moreover, she also contributes a lot to “The New York Times”, “Huffington Post”, “The Wall Street Journal”, “Total Health”, “People Pets”, and many other magazines, newspapers and columns. Be known as an expert of renowned pet and family lifestyle, she is the inspirational and philanthropic force behind many holidays for pets.
Colleen created National Kids and Pets Day to strengthen the relationship between children and animals, emphasize it.
Why National Kids and Pets Day?
National Kids and Pets Day is a special day in the lives of children and parents, especially those who care about pets. It offers parents a wonderful opportunity to make the suitable decisions for their children, especially because bringing a pet into a child's life is a major gateway to lifelong commitment. It is also a celebration of tight relationship between kids and their pets, as well as the safety of both children and pets.
The presence of a pet in a child's life is beneficial in many ways. Basically, pets are a way to promote a child's natural nurturing abilities, teach them how to be responsible and thus give them a lasting impact on a child's life. In fact, children and their pets are often unaware of their limitations, especially during their initial encounter. Supervision is an important way to prevent injury and loss to both children and pets.
While dogs and cats are the most popular pets in the US that there are a significant number of homeless pets with 70 million stray animals registered to date. Regardless of the breed, size or demeanor of a stray animal, shelters and rescue centers take time to find the ideal home for every animal. Organizations arrange visits and conduct procedures to promote healthy animal rearing.
Some interesting things you do not know about National Kids and Pets Day
- Pet homelessness is a problem
Dogs and cats are voted as the most beloved pets; however, there are still up to 8 million pets living in shelters.
- There are shelters everywhere
We have about 3,500 animal shelters around the country.
- Americans are also doing their part to help
More than three million animals are adopted each year, according to the data of The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA in abbreviation).
- There are many breeds of doggies at these shelters
It is shown that about 25% of dogs are purebred across the United States.
- It's not just cats and dogs
In addition to cats and dogs, there are many different animals such as iguanas, water turtles, snakes, and even horses.
Celebrating National Kids and Pets Day
- Spend time with your pet
If you are parents, you can spend this remarkable day with your children and pets. This can be in the park or in the house, taking time to let your kids have fun with their pets, play games and enjoy great food and beautiful moments.
- Give gifts to kids and their pets
Giving gifts to any child that he or she will have to pet or share with them is one of the ways to observe this special day. The gift can be a meaningful accessory for the pet such as a collar or a leash is one of the ways to observe this big and extremely monumental day, which show how much you appreciate them and their pets as well.
- Post on social media
Say thanks all pet-owning kids on social media using the hashtag #NationalKidsAndPetsDay with the aim of ensuring that the message reaches a wider audience is also a great way to celebrate this day. Soon, people will do the same to appreciate kids whose hearts are big enough to give pets a home.
- Encourage pet owners with kind words
Do not forget to encourage their care and commitment and appreciate their efforts in ensuring that their pets are nurtured, fed and maintained their health will be help them feel more appreciated.
National Kids and Pets Day has been observed annually on April 26th.Dates
Wednesday, April 26th, 2023
Friday, April 26th, 2024
Saturday, April 26th, 2025
Sunday, April 26th, 2026
Monday, April 26th, 2027