National Motivation and Inspiration Day
National Motivation and Inspiration Day is observed next on Friday, January 2nd, 2026 (353 days from today).
• How many days until National Motivation and Inspiration Day?
The time of the new year is when people often set goals and plan to pursue whatever work needs to be done in the new year. At that time, motivation and inspiration are considered as two prerequisites, important to turn your goals into reality. Therefore, January 2 every year is known as the national motivation and inspiration day. This day is an annual celebration celebrated to motivate and inspire all the other work you do at the beginning of the New Year.
History of National Motivation and Inspiration Day
Nineteen years ago, on September 11, 2001, the world was shaken by a series of terrorist attacks targeting two symbols of American strength, the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. This horrific event claimed the lives of about 3,000 people, injured more than 6,000 others, and cost the United States trillions of dollars.
Despite experiencing loss, despair, and grief, the American people stood together to overcome that event and miraculously bounce back. December 18, 2001: The US Congress authorized President Bush to designate September 11 every year as Patriots Day. In keeping with this spirit, the president of Motivated America, Kevin L. McCrudden created the date, and the convention adopted it shortly after Kevin L. McCrudden became the first and only speaker to date on motivation and leader. So on January 2, 2002, the first National Day of Motivation and Inspiration was held in the United States.
Motivation and inspiration are important to anyone in this world, to push everyone to be the best they can be. Motivating America or motivating around the world are both welcome and to contribute to making significant changes in people's lives. Help your annual goals become a reality by working with motivation, inspiration, and goals. Motivation and Inspiration Day has also been extended and celebrated in many different countries around the world and in the United States every year to encourage people to change their lives for the better, more positively.
How to observe National Motivation and Inspiration Day
To celebrate National Day of Motivation and Inspiration, please take a minute or a moment of quiet time to remember those who died on this sad day for the entire United States, September 11, 2001. Give a few inspirational and motivational words to the friends around you. Or write up inspirational quotes for your friends.
Take this day to learn more about quotes, or messages from your predecessors, that can inspire and motivate you. Or more importantly, learn about the difficulties you will have to face to achieve your goals. If you are about to start a new activity or face any difficult problems to solve in the near future, then get motivated again from your inspiration. And don't forget to share on social media your inspirations and motivations using the hashtag #NationalMotivationAndInspirationDay.
National Motivation and Inspiration Day has been observed annually on January 2nd.Dates
Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024
Thursday, January 2nd, 2025
Friday, January 2nd, 2026
Saturday, January 2nd, 2027
Sunday, January 2nd, 2028