National School Nurse Day

National School Nurse Day is observed next on Wednesday, May 7th, 2025 (97 days from today).

How many days until National School Nurse Day?


Wednesday of the first full week in May is National School Nurse Day, a day to celebrate and thank all school nurses who care for children while they are at school.

As a healer, comforter and role model for children, school nurses do a great job and rise to the challenge of caring for students everywhere.

They help improve attendance, enforce federal law, help employees stay healthy, and improve academic performance. In fact, school nurses do not receive the recognition they deserve.

National School Nurses Day was created to celebrate them and thank them for taking care of our children and advocating for improved health services in schools.

History of National School Nurse Day

Nurses were first employed in Belgian schools. In 1873, Brussels became the first city to employ school doctors and organize citywide school inspections.

While cities like London had begun to create school nurses, it wasn't until 1902 that New York City had its first facility. Lina Rogers would be the first person becomes a school nurse and works in New York City schools. She has helped reduce rates of infectious diseases and absenteeism in the United States.

Since the first addition of school nurses in the 1940s and 50s, schools have focused on student well-being. The task posed to nurses as well as teachers, students and doctors to create a program of health education.

National School Nurses Day begins with the establishment of the Department of School Nurses. In 1968, the National Education Association established a division to dedicate the advancement of school nursing practices across the country.

In 1974, President Ford declared National School Nurses Day a holiday for everyone to celebrate. Since the founding of the faculty and its holidays, school nurses have been recognized and celebrated for their unwavering efforts for the health and well-being of students everywhere.

National School Nurses Day is celebrated through educational pamphlets, presentations, and through thanks from all those who love and appreciate what nurses do in everyday life.

In times like natural disasters or mass man-made accidents, all kinds of nurses are revered for their undying care like never before. Their observant eye and dedication is nothing new. The world's first recognized nurse, Florence Nightingale (also affectionately known as the 'Lamp Woman') is a symbol of a kind, peaceful soul.

During the Crimean War, she transformed and even revolutionized the nursing profession. She went from patient to patient in the middle of the night, to check on them and help the soldiers write letters home. She brings a touch of interest as well as more sophistication. She founded the world's first secular nursing school, which pioneered the field decades later. She shows that nurses can perform complex treatments and don't need doctors to react to a patient's mobility to them. There are hundreds of thousands of nurse larks around the world and on this day we remind them of our eternal gratitude.

Some truths about School Nurse

  • Number game

According to the National Association of School Nurses, school nurses between 61,232 and 73,697 RNs (Registered Nurses) work in elementary and secondary schools in the United States.

  • White Hat Brigade

According to the report of a Gallup poll, school nurse is the most ethical and honest profession in the United States.

  • Male-only school nurse

At the time, the first school nurse only accepted male students to attend.

  • Baby whisperer

Between 1745 and 1779, Lucretia Lester is said to have given birth to 1,300 babies, losing only two.

  • Room for more

It is reported that there are 3,059,800 nursing positions in the United States by The Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Some reasons for National School Nurse Day being important

  • They deliver results

Student health, academic progress, long-term success, and student well-being are all supported by professional nursing practice.

  • They provide care for all

School nurses are under a lot of stress. This is because they care for a large number of students with complex mental and physical health problems, as well as students at risk for health problems.

  • Policymakers and influencers

Not just providing health care is what school nurses do. They are part of developing policies, strategies, and procedures for the delivery of school health services at the individual, district, and state levels.

How to celebrate National School Nurse Day

Show them that you appreciate them giving them a thank you card. Support your school nurses by campaigning for better pay, better working conditions, and greater presence in the school system.

Give them gifts like stuffed animals, jewelry, or any other personalized gift you can think of. Give them some extra money to buy school medical supplies.

Teach people about nursing, how school nurses form, and help inspire people to become school nurses through workshops and booklets. Share with your friends and family about this holiday and tell them why school nurses are so important to everyday life.

Your child can brighten up their school nurse's day by giving them a "thank you" card. Something as simple as verbally expressing gratitude, shaking their hand or giving them a hug, will show the nurse that she or he is loved by those who care for them. A surprise party in the classroom would be awesome! You and all other parents should get together, and work with your school's teachers and administrators, to organize a 1-hour party for the school nurses where your child is attending. People can buy them a little something so they will remember this day forever.

Here's a thought, could you organize a day for the school nurse to teach the children basic first aid techniques? Your child will gain a better understanding of how to take care of themselves and their friends while experiencing how difficult the job of a school nurse really is.

Working with a school, your child can see what it is like to monitor the School Nurse throughout the day. The world needs more nurses. National School Nurses Day can be a life-changing moment for your child to witness first-hand the cures and treatments. Your son or daughter may grow up to be a nurse one day, because one day they helped the school nurse heal sick and injured students and provide care children's health and happiness.

Education at home

You can still learn about what a school nurse does at home. Searching for educational videos on sites such as YouTube is a gateway into the world of free education. Some school nurses also have their own channels where they work for the benefit of the public. You can leave helpful and uplifting comments for those nurses who spoke and show them how much they appreciate the day.

If you have young children, watching videos with them will be an unprecedented gift for the nurses at their school. Just knowing what pressures they are under and how meticulous their role is will help children understand more deeply about the responsibilities of a school nurse.


National School Nurse Day has been observed Wednesday of the first full week in May.


Wednesday, May 10th, 2023

Wednesday, May 8th, 2024

Wednesday, May 7th, 2025

Wednesday, May 6th, 2026

Wednesday, May 5th, 2027

Also on Wednesday, May 7th, 2025

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