National Scribble Day

(Also known as International Scribble Day)

National Scribble Day is observed next on Thursday, March 27th, 2025 (36 days from today).

How many days until National Scribble Day?


National Scribble Day is usually celebrated on March 27th every year. It is a day to commemorate creativity and the arts compared with doodle art, which anyone can do regardless their artistic abilities.

Origin of National Scribble Day

Scribbling or doodling are often used interchangeably each other but there is a slight fundamental difference between the actions and the origin of the words.

The word scribble can be derived from the Latin word 'scribere', which actually means 'to write'. Scribbling is writing letters or words in a hurry, often unreadable. On the other hand, Doodle refers to the art of drawing or amateur art. The word doodle is originated from the word 'Dudeltopf' or 'Dudeldop', meaning 'simpleton' in German.

So think of these terms like this: when students are under pressure, they scribble in their notebooks, while bored and daydreaming students in class doodle.

The history of International Scribble day itself doesn't go back too far as the date was recently founded by Diane Alber, author of the book "I'm NOT Just a Scribble", in 2019. The book is about kindness and compassion, represented by a cute character. Scribble and encourage children to create art regardless of their abilities. Diane posted a Facebook post about the idea of ​​starting National Literacy Day and got some very positive feedback from the teachers, so she went with it.

This day is often celebrated in schools, where children gather for various activities to create their own Scribble, characters from books. National Scribble Day is a wonderful opportunity to encourage practice doodle because every artist starts with a scribble at all!

Celebrating National Scribble Day

Create your own doodles

Bring out crayons, markers, and other art supplies and create your own doodles. For extra fun, engage your whole family and turn it into a contest.

Planning an event

You can organize your own Scribble Day activities at your school or university. Sign up for your academy for the Scribble Starter Pack and get creative with the activities you might want. Have fun naming your doodles. Turn your last doodles into a game of who is who.

Post on social media

Use #NationalScribbleDay to share your doodles on social media to encourage others to participate.

If you are a teacher, do not hesitate to commemorate National Scribble Day in your classroom. You can start by signing up for your school, which will get you a free Scribble Stickers Pack. You can then read I'm Not Just a Scribble to your class so they know the character of Scribble. Moreover, your students have created their own Scribble art with his/her typical figure. Scribble are created by scribbling any crayon or marker, adding Scribble Stickers and drawing hands and feet.

Different grade levels are encouraged to work together, and once the doodles have been created, the work can be made into a display, such as a collage or bulletin board. Why do not post and share you Scribble art via social media by using the hashtag #NationalScribbleDay, to encourage other schools to take part in. If school is not held on March 27, the date may be held at a nearby date. Those who are not teachers or students can still participate by creating their own Scribble art. For more information check out my Facebook page I'm Not Just a Scribbler or Diane Alber's website.


National Scribble Day has been observed annually on March 27th.


Monday, March 27th, 2023

Wednesday, March 27th, 2024

Thursday, March 27th, 2025

Friday, March 27th, 2026

Saturday, March 27th, 2027

Founded by

Diane Alber in 2018

Also on Thursday, March 27th, 2025

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