National Tortilla Chip Day
National Tortilla Chip Day is observed next on Monday, February 24th, 2025 (38 days from today).
Tortilla chips are a type of snack that is used from the leftovers during the cutting process into a round tortilla. The leftover pieces are then cut into small triangles and fried or baked until golden brown. When eaten, it will be dipped with soy sauce and sauce, often used as an appetizer. Every February 24th is National Tortilla Chip Day, celebrated to show the masses' love for torilla chips. Those who love tortilla chips will be happy to have a day dedicated to their favorite snack.
Chips are the thinly sliced and fried tortilla shell, which is an appetizer in Mexican meals.
However, the difference of Chips is that it is often used in combination with Guacamole sauce - a typical sauce of Mexican cuisine. Guacamole is a creamy sauce with the main ingredient of Guacamole is pureed avocado mixed with some spices such as garlic, onions, coriander, lemon, salt, tomatoes with Jalapeno peppers. A very special and delicious snack was created from the delicious taste of Guacamole combined with Chips.
Tortilla chips are the main ingredient in nachos, however they can also be a standalone food as many people prefer to eat tortilla chips alone. The chips themselves are made with yellow corn, white corn, flour, flour, or blue cornmeal. The corn kernels are first ground into flour which is then used to make a coarse flour called masa. Masa is cooked, mashed, made into French fries, baked and finally fried and seasoned, typically with salt. Tortilla chips can also be made at home by cutting and frying tortillas. The finished product with both processes is a perfect chip to snack on alone, with salsa, guacamole or even made into nachos.
History of Tortilla Chip
While it's hard to pinpoint who invented the concept of fried buns, the popularity of the modern tortilla chip is due to a woman named Rebecca Webb Carranza, who owned a Los Angeles grocery store.
She started frying the abandoned pieces, the cookies missed, and they were such a popular treat that she started selling them by the bag. In 1994, the Golden Tortilla Award was given to her because of incredible contributions to the Mexican food industry.
Observing National Tortilla Chip Day
There are many ways to celebrate Tortilla Chip Day. One of them is buying and eating tortilla chips together with your friends and relatives. You can eat it alone as an appetizer, or you can also serve it with soy sauce and sauce. Grocery stores have tortilla chips ready for you. Besides, you can also make your own delicious tortilla chips by frying or baking. Here's a recipe for you:
Baked tortillas
Oil (about 1 tablespoon per one large tortilla or two small)
Salt or other seasonings
Step 1:
Preheat your oven to 350 F.
Cut your cake into triangles; the sizes are up to you, but make sure they're pretty even.
Step 2:
Place the tortilla chips in a large bowl, and drizzle with oil, a nice pinch of salt, and whatever else you want to add.
Use your hands to gently toss the tortilla in the oil and spice mixture. I find that tossing them like this instead of drizzling the chips with oil on the baking sheet ensures even more coverage.
Step 3:
Spread the potatoes on a baking tray, taking care to spread them in layers to avoid uneven cooking. Bake for about 5 – 7 minutes then remove the pan and turn flip thi chips. Return it to the oven, and continue baking until crisp to your liking (usually about 5-7 minutes long).
With oil frying. You can also refer to other ways. Make sure you make enough tortilla chips for you and your loved ones. Share on social media with hashtag #NationalTortillaChipDay.
National Tortilla Chip Day has been observed annually on February 24th.Dates
Friday, February 24th, 2023
Saturday, February 24th, 2024
Monday, February 24th, 2025
Tuesday, February 24th, 2026
Wednesday, February 24th, 2027