National Truffle Day

National Truffle Day is observed next on Friday, May 2nd, 2025 (71 days from today).

How many days until National Truffle Day?


National Truffle Day is observed annually on May 2nd in order to honor the delicacy that comes with the sweet chocolate truffles.

National Truffle Day serves up a delicious treat and puts chocolate truffle in the spotlight. Traditionally, chocolatiers make this sweet confection with a chocolate ganache center topped with chocolate, ice, cocoa powder, chopped nuts, or coconut. They can fill the truffles with other delicious surprises. For example, some manufacturers of candy include ice cream, molten chocolate, caramel, nuts, fruit, marzipan, marshmallows, toffee, mint, marshmallow, or liqueur.

N. Petruccelli of Chambery, France is credited with inventing truffle chocolate in December 1895. Truffles became much more popular in 1902 when the Chocolate Prestat Shop opened in London. Prestat still sells truffles “Napoleon III” made with the original recipe.

History of National Truffle Day

Honoring this delicacy cannot be overlooked because of the popularity this wonderful preparation has been able to garner over the years. Although very few people know how to prepare truffles, this has not stopped anyone from enjoying its taste and sweetness.

The first incidence of truffles and its development was appeared in France in Europe. During this time, the truffle was just a small chocolate chip designed from ganache before it was rolled in cocoa. Truffles are named after a popular truffle that has a chocolate-like shape. A background search on truffles revealed that truffles were an August Escoffier invention in the 1920s. The research followed his usual commitments when one of his apprentices tried Try to make ice cream cake. By chance, this apprentice spilled hot cream into a bowl of chocolate when he should have poured into a bowl of sugary eggs. In this case, there was solidification between the chocolate and cream mixture, prompting Escoffier to use it to develop a deviated ball with his hands.

Escoffier rolled this product into cocoa powder and to my surprise the new development was in fact very similar to the real truffles seen and served in both Italy and France. This prompted him to take the next step, developing the concept using different fillings and coatings. Thus, it is possible to fill your truffles using cream, caramel, melted chocolate, fruit, nuts, marshmallows, marzipan, mint, marshmallow and even alcohol among them other additives.

Truffles are also involved in Jean Neuhaus's invention of the hard chocolate shell. Neuhaus is a Belgian chocolatier, known for his unique chocolate making. To this day, many ways of making truffles have been introduced, including European, Swiss and even American truffles. The American truffle is associated with Joseph Schmidt, a San Francisco native from the 1980s who made truffles that were half-egg shaped and covered in chocolate. This preparation also has a mixture of dark chocolate, butterfat, coconut butter, and milk.

How to celebrate National Truffle Day

  • Organize a Truffle Preparation

The most basic way to observe and celebrate National Truffle Day is to hold a Truffle making class at home with your family or friends. Then you can share the delicacy together as a family. An important day like this is best spent with loved ones and what better way to enjoy Truffle together!

  • Bring Truffle to work or school

In case you are a student, you can make your own truffle with your parents or siblings at home and bring it to school to share with friends and classmates. In addition, we can also bring Truffle to share with colleagues at workplace. Doing so will go a long way in preserving the tradition and ensuring that this memorable day is never forgotten.

  • Schedule a Truffle making contest.

This day can also be observed by participating in a Truffle making contest and then sharing the cake to determine who prepared the best.

  • Post on social media

Posting on social media with #NationalTruffleDay will also go a long way in raising awareness of the day. You can post some photos or your celebration via Facebook, Instagram with the aim of spreading the meaning of National Truffle Day.


National Truffle Day has been observed annually on May 2nd.


Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023

Thursday, May 2nd, 2024

Friday, May 2nd, 2025

Saturday, May 2nd, 2026

Sunday, May 2nd, 2027

Also on Friday, May 2nd, 2025

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