National Walnut Day

National Walnut Day is observed next on Saturday, May 17th, 2025 (87 days from today).

How many days until National Walnut Day?


Each year May 17th recognizes the holiday squirrels go a little nutty over, National Walnut Day.

They may not be as popular as almonds or peanuts, but show some respect to walnuts: they're great for your heart, brain, and bones; you can incorporate them into any meal; and they've been around for literally 10,000 years. The Walnut Marketing Department established National Walnut Day in the 1950s, and we've been celebrating it May 17 ever since. Keep reading for all the best ways to use walnuts, because they're more than just another ingredient to mix in a chicken salad.

Why National Walnut Day?

National Walnut Day is commemorated to promote the benefits of Walnuts for our health. A round, single-seeded nut from any tree belong to the walnut family named Juglandaceae. It is rich in protein and essential fatty acids. Walnuts contain about 15% protein, 14% carbohydrates, 65% fat, 4% water and 7% fiber. Every 100 grams of walnuts provide 654 calories.

According to a 2016 Food and Drug Administration statement, consuming 1.5 ounces of walnuts per day can reduce cardiovascular diseases. However, the result remains unproven and is referred to only as an inconclusive result. So this date is being observed to create awareness about the health qualities of Walnuts.

History of National Walnut Day

National Walnut Day was created in 1949 by the Walnut Marketing Board, an Organization established in 1933 as the Walnut Control Board authorized by the Agricultural Regulations Act. It involves crop evaluation and surplus determination. As the result, National Walnut Day was declared a holiday in 1958 after the proclamation by Dwight D. Eisenhower, then President.

Interesting truths about National Walnut Day

  • Eating walnuts is very good for the heart. The amino acid I-arginine found in walnuts offers a number of heart benefits along with Omega-3 alpha-linolenic fatty acids that help prevent blood clotting. . Presumably, consuming walnuts increases blood levels and keeps cholesterol levels stable, leading to a reduction in heart-related problems.
  • The consumption of walnuts limits breast and prostate cancer. Many experiments have been done on mice and studies have revealed that walnuts limit breast cancer and slow down tumor cell growth.
  • The antioxidants present in walnuts prevent liver damage that is often caused by chemical induction in foods. Furthermore, it promotes liver growth and controls body weight, a study reveals.
  • Consuming walnuts enhances fertility in men. It increases the quality of sperm and its motility.
  • Walnuts are not recommended for people affected by Herpes Simplex virus because the arginine present in walnuts further reduces the amino acid count, which can cause severe and recurrent herpes.
  • The United States ranks first in both production and export of walnuts with more than 99% of the cultivation coming from the California valleys. The US Food and Drug Administration once warned a company, Diamond Foods, in 2010 for their claims regarding the benefits of walnuts. Diamond Foods has stated, "Walnuts reduce coronary heart disease". The same also disagrees with the FDA's claim that there is no adequate evidence regarding the claim that has been provided or proven.
  • However, in 2016 it named walnuts a Qualified Health Product for reducing coronary heart disease although no studies have shown such an occurrence.

Some reasons for National Walnut Day being loved

  • Walnuts are a nutritional powerhouse

Walnuts are the only nut that is high in omega-3 fatty acids. If you only eat a quarter cup, you'll get more than 100% of the recommended daily amount. These omega-3s contribute to brain function, heart health, and reduced inflammation. Walnuts are also rich of Vitamin E, magnesium and antioxidants. Plus, they're packed with protein and fiber, so they're a great snack.

  • They have some history (ancient)

Walnuts are the oldest tree food because they have dated back since 7000 BC. The walnuts we eat today are known as English walnuts, but they actually originated in ancient Persia, where they were considered a delicacy for royalty. They moved first through the Asian world and the Middle East by trade along the Silk Road, and then further through sea trade. They eventually made it to England, where merchants would take them to ports around the world, hence the name "English".

  • They are very flexible

Walnuts are great in all kinds of sweet and savory recipes. You can eat them on their own, or chop and toss them in cookies, oatmeal, salads, sauces, cakes, you name it! And to all vegetarians/vegans: their texture makes for a great meat substitute. Seriously, Google “walnut chorizo.”

How to celebrate National Walnut Day

  • Your own shell

Don't you find that the food tastes better when you try a little? Let buy some walnuts with their shells, grab a nutcracker and get started. Bonus: it doubles as a stress reliever!

  • Gift

Walnuts are an impressive gift that couldn't be easier to make. In a saucepan over medium heat, melt butter and sugar, and add any seasonings you'd like (we like cinnamon and ginger). Toss the walnuts into this mixture until they are coated; then spread them out on some parchment to cool. Pack them in little jars, distribute to your friends, and pretend you're Martha Stewart.

  • Make a walnut cocktail

Nocino is an Italian liqueur that is created from unripe walnuts. It's rich, sweet, rich, and a little spicy - in other words, it'll warm your heart in no time. Italians drink it as a digestive drink, but it also pairs very well with brown spirits. We think it will be a great addition to Manhattan.


National Walnut Day has been observed annually on May 17th.


Wednesday, May 17th, 2023

Friday, May 17th, 2024

Saturday, May 17th, 2025

Sunday, May 17th, 2026

Monday, May 17th, 2027

Also on Saturday, May 17th, 2025

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