National Wear Purple for Peace Day

(Also known as Wear Purple For Peace Day)

National Wear Purple for Peace Day is observed next on Friday, May 16th, 2025 (86 days from today).

How many days until National Wear Purple for Peace Day?


National Wear Purple for Peace Day on May 16th every year is a day to promote peace between us and any space aliens who might be lurking about.

National Wear Purple for Peace Day’s history

On National Wear Purple for Peace Day, people don't wear purple to prevent nuclear war or a specific conflict, and they don't work towards world peace just for the sake of it, they have reason behind it. Date was created to bring aliens to visit earth! Who would believe that humans are so violent with each other and that if we want aliens to visit us, we better clean up our actions? They also believe that wearing purple will help us achieve world peace and will signal to the aliens that we are on our way to achieving our goal.

Apparently, the unnamed creator of National Wear Purple for Peace Day thought purple would be a color to signal to aliens that humans are a peaceful species.

You are advised to wear a purple ribbon or purple clothing to participate in National Wear Purple for Peace Day. Purple has always been considered a very special color as it is not commonly found in nature. It stands for creativity and supernatural power. National Wear Purple for Peace Day now adds another expression: peace. If you are living in a peaceful country, count yourself lucky on National Wear Purple for Peace Day.

How to celebrate National Wear Purple for Peace Day

Come on guys, we need to meet some aliens! Celebrate the day by wearing purple and moving towards world peace. Maybe if the aliens see enough of us dressed in purple, they'll think it's safe for them to visit us. Prepare!


National Wear Purple for Peace Day has been observed annually on May 16th.


Tuesday, May 16th, 2023

Thursday, May 16th, 2024

Friday, May 16th, 2025

Saturday, May 16th, 2026

Sunday, May 16th, 2027

Also on Friday, May 16th, 2025

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