National Without a Scalpel Day
National Without a Scalpel Day is observed next on Thursday, January 16th, 2025 (2 days from today).
National Day without a Scalpel Day is celebrated on January 16 every year with the purpose of recognizing the opportunity to treat disease without a scalpel.
National without a Scalpel Day History
On January 16, 1964, pioneer physician Charles Dotter performed the first angioplasty. The breakthrough to open a clogged blood vessel took place in Portland, Oregon. Angioplasty not only allowed the patient to avoid amputation, but she was also discharged a few days later with just a Band-Aid.
No surgery, no stitches, no scars…
To do so, Dr. Dotter created an advanced medical specialty called Interventional Radiology, where doctors treat disease through a fine needle hole instead of open surgery. These doctors use X-rays and other medical images to see inside the body as they treat diseases. These advances have changed all of medicine.
Nowadays, minimally invasive, image-guided procedures (MIIP) can help treat a wide variety of conditions in both adults and children including cancer, heart disease, stroke, aneurysms, life-threatening bleeding, infections, back pain…
Although trained professionals perform MIIP around the world, many people do not know about MIIP or whether they could benefit from these life-changing treatments. The Intervention Initiative was founded to raise awareness and spread to the public about MIIP.
The Interventional Initiative has just completed the pilot episode of its documentary series Without a Scalpel, which will air nationally in 2016. Without a Scalpel tells the real stories of patients and the doctors treating them by MIIP changes lives.
How to celebrate National without a Scalpel Day
There are many ways to celebrate this day. Why don’t you make a special celebration by yourself? Take some time to study more about MIIP and relating information. Moreover, let share this valuable, life-saving information with someone you love. Encourage and spread National without a Scalpel Day by posting on social media using hashtag #NationalWithoutAScalpelDay.
National Without a Scalpel Day has been observed annually on January 16th.Dates
Monday, January 16th, 2023
Tuesday, January 16th, 2024
Thursday, January 16th, 2025
Friday, January 16th, 2026
Saturday, January 16th, 2027
Founded by
The Interventional Initiative on November 10th, 2015