Pause for the Pledge Day

Pause for the Pledge Day is observed next on Saturday, June 14th, 2025 (147 days from today).

How many days until Pause for the Pledge Day?


Pause for the Pledge Day is observed annually on June 14th in honor of the adoption of the flag of the United States.

June 14th is of course Flag Day in the United States. It honors the day, in 1777, the day the Continental Congress adopted the Stars and Stripes as the country's official flag.

The first National Flag Day took place in 1877. This day has been officially recognized by the federal government since 1949.

But there's a companion day to Flag Day that you may not have heard of: Pause for Commitment Day.

It is added to the traditional commemoration of Flag Day began in 1980 at the Star Spangled Banner Flag House and Museum (Baltimore, Maryland). Baltimore businessman Louis V. Koerber came up with the idea, and he joined a group of fellow entrepreneurs in the First Pause for Commitment Day program.

The first event was small, but promoted by the National Flag Day Foundation (with Mr. Koerber as president), the movement grew rapidly. It quickly became a national celebration, with events in communities large and small around the country.

Please think about some interesting ideas on celebrating this patriotic unofficial holiday.


Pause for the Pledge Day has been observed annually on June 14th.


Wednesday, June 14th, 2023

Friday, June 14th, 2024

Saturday, June 14th, 2025

Sunday, June 14th, 2026

Monday, June 14th, 2027

Also on Saturday, June 14th, 2025

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