Relive Your Past By Listening to the First Music You Ever Bought No Matter What It Was No Excuses Day

Relive Your Past By Listening to the First Music You Ever Bought No Matter What It Was No Excuses Day is observed next on Thursday, May 15th, 2025 (85 days from today).

How many days until Relive Your Past By Listening to the First Music You Ever Bought No Matter What It Was No Excuses Day?


Have you remembered the first music? Maybe it's a 45 rpm or LP recording, or maybe it's on a cassette or compact disc. Maybe it's even an MP3 download. Chances are that what you hear now sounds a bit different than the first piece of music you ever bought, and going back to that original music can bring back a lot of memories from your past, but also make you feel a bit embarrassed. Relive Your Past by Listening to the First Music You Ever Bought No Matter What It Was No Excuses Day is dedicated to listening to the first piece of music you buy and embracing all the emotions it brings.

It's as real as the gwaai struggle between people of color.

Technically, we don't actually buy music unless it's a CD or you actually bought yourself an iPhone. My generation and those before me used a simple copy, send via Bluetooth or Illegal #RespectToNapster Download simple and straightforward.

So if you could track your memory of a time where you weren't considering whom you're going to sleep with next or what medicine you're going to take tonight or the next bottle of wine you're going to have.

That's right, let's go back to the days of innocence, the time of true dependence and when all the worries were shouldered by the parents... what music you put in, for some reason I continued back on Saturday morning... I'll wake up for my mom to blow up the so-called Old School. Songs like Give me the Night by George Benson, Color Me Badd's I wanna sex you up, Some Boyz to Men, a little RnB, a little bit of Early Hip Hop and just as I was enjoying the sound, I had to kill it because The sound of the vacuum cleaner is quite loud. This is my initial introduction to frustration.

I'm trying to keep myself in the blogging game so that every Sunday, then it's going to be called Funday Sunday, I'll take you in a whirlpool of ecstacy, condom lubricant, and hold back tears, that's my life and recommending an Album, Mixtape or Single seems to have made a difference in my life.

This week's album is Snoop Doggy Dogg's debut album Doggystyle, the birth of the G-funk era begins here. So go to albizzle and listen to the sound that the dogs officially known as lions are hurling down.

In addition, to have a great day for this holiday, what will you plan to do? The best way is to think about the first album or single you ever bought. Do not forget to listen to them and think about your life at that time. Do you still like this music? How have your musical favorite changed by time? Can you take the path from what you heard then to what you hear now? Perhaps you could share the first piece of music you ever bought online and ask your friends what the first track they bought was.


Relive Your Past By Listening to the First Music You Ever Bought No Matter What It Was No Excuses Day has been observed annually on May 15th.


Monday, May 15th, 2023

Wednesday, May 15th, 2024

Thursday, May 15th, 2025

Friday, May 15th, 2026

Saturday, May 15th, 2027

Also on Thursday, May 15th, 2025

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