Save Your Hearing Day
Save Your Hearing Day is observed next on Saturday, May 31st, 2025 (123 days from today).
Each May 31st, Save Your Hearing Day is an official day to recognize the importance of preserving our hearing.
National Save Your Hearing Day is our annual reminder to turn the knob down and listen to the birdsong outside the window for a change. Its origin is unknown, but blesses our eardrums; he did a great service for us, because how can we tell teenagers to turn off that noise?
National Save Your Hearing Day is best celebrated in a peaceful environment, with earplugs, if needed. There is a rule that everyone should follow on this day saying that you should listen to MP3 music at 60% volume capacity for less than 60 minutes a day. It also applies to concerts. But if you can't resist going to a live rock concert without wearing earplugs, you should know that you've been exposed to hours of decibels of noise, the equivalent of hearing an ambulance siren for hours. An auditory detox that includes 16 hours of atrioventricular rest will do wonders for your eardrums, so do it on this day, because everyone does.
History of Save Your Hearing Day
Records of hearing loss date back to ancient times. An Egyptian mummy, PUM II, shows evidence of a perforated eardrum, signaling hearing loss. The ancient Greeks didn't have a great history of people with hearing loss; Records show that such people are shunned by the general public. Surprisingly, the Greek philosopher named Aristotle called them as 'barbarians' because they couldn't speak properly. However, the earliest record of hearing loss is from Ancient Egypt, where an ancient papyrus even provided a cure for hearing loss. These people, unlike the ancient Greeks, were taught to treat people with disabilities with respect, including the deaf. Other civilizations that treated deaf people with respect were the Romans. A Roman child born deaf in England was specially buried in a coffin made of stone.
Sign language began to be used very early, as evidenced by the writings of the Athenian philosopher Plato. On the other hand, the earliest mention of hearing aids comes from the writings of an Italian scholar who described an instrument that could amplify sound.
In the years that followed, whatever the world (and America) learned about hearing protection was motivated by military need. Both World Wars saw the development of many new inventions in hearing aids, from earmuffs and earplugs (to protect hearing), to earplugs. Similar to most other inventions, these earmuffs also developed with a series of transformations to become the soft ear protectors they are today. The early ear cushions were stiff and needed a sturdy headband to hold them, leading them to be described as having a 'something like' grip.
Some things should do to prevent hearing loss
- Take precautions while you're working: This includes wearing hearing protection, making sure you're not exposed to loud noises for long periods of time, and switching to quieter gear if available. body.
- Protect your hearing during a noisy event: When at a noisy event, such as a sporting event or a musical performance, you should give your hearing about 18 hours to recovery afterwards. You should also try to pause the noise every 15 minutes and not stand next to the source of the noise, i.e. the speaker.
- Avoid loud noises: The best way to protect your hearing is to avoid loud noises. A noise can be loud enough to damage hearing if you subsequently have ringing in your ears, ear pain, you can't hear what people are saying nearby, or you need talk to others.
Some interesting facts about hearing protection
- The 60:60 rule
This rule says people should listen to music at 60% volume capacity for less than 60 minutes a day.
- There is a limit to noise exposure
The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends that noise exposure at 90 dBA per day should not exceed 8 hours per day (in other words, use headphones at normal volume).
- Our ears need recovery too
If you must use headphones, you're better off using earbuds - avoid earbuds because they're right next to the eardrum.
- Better over-the-ear headphones
If you must use headphones, you're better off using earbuds - avoid earbuds because they're right next to the eardrum.
- Keep your ears dry
Wet ears can cause infections that endanger your hearing, so it's important to keep them dry at all times.
Some reasons for Save Your Hearing Day being loved
- It normalizes hearing problems
Hearing loss can be prevented or at least treated. Learning more about our hearing tells us how easy it is to abuse our ears and how quickly we can destroy our ability to hear. It also makes us more empathetic towards people with hearing loss.
- It protects the health of the ear
Simple and small adjustments to our lifestyle can improve our hearing health. Knowing this and the various tips this day offers to improve our hearing health, that's why we wholeheartedly support it.
- It raises awareness about caring
The subsequent events draw attention to an often neglected (and abused) part of our lives - our hearing. We understand more and can make simple adjustments to our lifestyle to adopt better listening habits. We can't thank you enough to be reminded that our hearing needed some TLC, how about you?
How to celebrate Save Your Hearing Day
- Learn how to protect your hearing
This day is best celebrated in a peaceful and quiet environment. Some ways to protect your hearing are staying away from loud noises and giving your ears a break from time to time. You can also wear hearing protection such as earplugs whenever possible to ensure you are not frequently exposed to loud noises.
- Test your hearing
Some signs that your ears may need to be checked include hearing tinnitus after noisy events, if the noise hurts your ears, if you can't hear people around you what you're saying or if you need to raise your voice when speaking to others. Whether or not you have signs of hearing loss, you should see your doctor for a hearing test. Some clinics and doctors even run free ear exams or other campaigns to promote the day, so keep an eye out for this.
- Continue to detox your hearing
We don't mean you should wear noise-cancelling headphones all day. Just give the ear a break for about an hour a day, avoiding any loud noises. By loud noises, we want to listen to music on your headphones! Increase this time to longer than an hour if you think you can manage to go without music for a while.
Save Your Hearing Day has been observed annually on May 31st.Dates
Wednesday, May 31st, 2023
Friday, May 31st, 2024
Saturday, May 31st, 2025
Sunday, May 31st, 2026
Monday, May 31st, 2027