World Bee Day
World Bee Day is observed next on Tuesday, May 20th, 2025 (126 days from today).
World Bee Day is celebrated on May 20 each year to acknowledge the role of bees and other pollinators for the ecosystem.
Recently, concern about endangered bees has become commonplace among people all over the world, but information on how to take action on this bee has become scarce in this era.
That's why World Bee Day exists to educate people about the importance of bees and how they can help conserve them for the sake of the future. If you want to help save these fuzzy insects from extinction, then read below to find out what World Bee Day is all about!
History of World Bee Day
World Bee Day corresponds to a person who was an important influence in pioneering beekeeping. Anton Janša, who pioneered modern beekeeping in the 18th century in his native Slovenia, was one of the first to help bring about the importance of bees in the world's environment.
Since then, beekeeping has become a necessity in the ecosystems and economic systems of the world. However, not many people realize the importance of bees or know how to help save the bee colony, which has led to the United Nations announcing World Bee Day.
The United Nations has designated World Bee Day to raise awareness about the importance of bees. Bees are under constant threat from human activity, including the entry of invasive insects, pesticides, land use change and monoculture practices, which have continuously destroyed destroy bee colonies over time.
World Bee Day helps educate people about the importance of bees and what they do for the environment, including how they help grow 90% of the world's wildflowers, 35% of the world's crops depend on bees to thrive and how they help build ecosystems around the world. With these statistics in mind, the United Nations has created various programs around the world to raise awareness about the protection of bees and what you can do to help the cause.
The day is also open to other pollinators as well as bees, such as bats, hummingbirds and butterflies. These essential animals are useful in keeping ecosystems healthy and maintain biodiversity. Bees and other creatures also help us combat problems on a global level, like world hunger, and help adapt to climate change. These amazing fuzzy creatures help keep plants and our planet alive.
If you look at bees as an organism, they are a fascinating insect even without all the services they provide us. For example, the phrase bee's knee makes no sense at all, because bees actually have no knees. Bees also communicate by dancing - can you imagine if humans didn't talk and only communicated through the medium of dance? If you consider honey to be good, it has also been used as an antiseptic and to treat burns and wounds for centuries.
Bees have been around for thousands of years, and the first bee found is 100 million years old! Bees may also be the first species to decide to become vegetarian. Originally, our furry friends used to eat other insects, but instead they have evolved to eat nectar and pollen. Bees have long been on our side, humans with honey being a great discovery by our ancestors (it must have been hard for them to collect!).
From sweetening food to dressing wounds, we love honey so much that our children are still named after bees. Names like Melissa and Ali mean bee in Greek and Urdu, showing that all over the world, we all value bees globally.
How to Celebrate World Bee Day
If you want to do more, find a charity that helps conserve bees and donate through it. Many bee charities offer their own merchandise, profiting directly from them, such as bee jewelry or clothing.
Why not buy your own Bee Tee or gift your loved ones with a unique bee necklace to share the love? Many bee charities also arrange their own specific events, awareness campaigns, and ways of making donations, so why not support a charity near you to show support for the cause with our celebrity friends.
Start a garden and place with arrangements full of fruits, vegetables and flowers that you know bees want. Only limited space? If you have a balcony or terrace, you can purchase nectarine flowers and plant them in your available area for decorative purposes and to save bees.
Plants like sunflowers, poppies, and favorite foods like thyme, fennel, and fennel are perfect for pollinators. You can even create a bee pollinator in your garden or outdoor space to benefit. Create a friendly environment for bees, butterflies and any local pollinators to help their habitat.
How would you like to be more proactive in your food purchases? You should go to a local beekeeper for buying the correct honey. You can use honey and many other honeycomb products. Talking to a local beekeeper will also help you find the right ways to keep your garden or outdoor space a bee-friendly environment.
Avoiding toxic pesticides will keep pollinators happy, and if you have to spray anything, doing so in the morning or late at night will ensure that your bees don't get stuck in the fire. If you're lucky enough to have a larger outdoor space filled with wildflowers, preserving a portion of it will mean your bees have the perfect natural environment to enjoy.
If you're looking to help raise awareness about bee extinction, then share and spread the word about World Bee Day through social media.
World Bee Day has been observed annually on May 20th.Dates
Saturday, May 20th, 2023
Monday, May 20th, 2024
Tuesday, May 20th, 2025
Wednesday, May 20th, 2026
Thursday, May 20th, 2027
Founded by
Slovenian Beekeepers' Association in 2014
United Nations General Assembly on December 20th, 2017