World Meteorological Day

World Meteorological Day is observed next on Sunday, March 23rd, 2025 (18 days from today).

How many days until World Meteorological Day?


The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) and the official voice of the UN on the state of the earth's atmosphere, its interaction with the oceans, and the distribution of water resources. The predecessor of WMO was the International Meteorological Organization (IMO) established in 1873. In 1950, on the basis of the Convention on the World Meteorological Organization, World Meteorological Day was established and signed on October 11, 1947, entered into force on March 23, 1950. March 23 every year is designated as World Meteorological Day. Themes chosen for World Meteorological Day reflect weather, climate or water-related issues and water resources. This is an occasion to honor the contributions of hydrometeorological agencies around the world to the protection of human life and property against the impact of natural disasters of hydrometeorological origin (KTTV). And this day is an international day of action, not just a country or individual.

Origin of World Meteorological Day

As already mentioned, World Meteorological Day was established by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on the basis of the Convention on the World Meteorological Organization, signed on 11 October 1947, and entered into force on this date. March 23, 1950.

The science that Studies the processes and phenomena of the atmosphere is called Meteorology. The study covers not only the physics, chemistry and dynamics of the atmosphere but also extends to and includes the direct effects of the atmosphere on the earth's surface, oceans and life in general through meteorological factors and phenomena. Meteorological factors include temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, wind, clouds, and rain. They always fluctuate in time and space in interaction with each other according to the complex laws of nature.

Climate change warms the oceans and profoundly affects the weather. WMO's annual state of global climate report indicates that 2020 will be one of the three hottest years on record, even though La Nina is getting colder in the Pacific. The hottest decade on record was also The past decade (2011-2020) . The ocean's temperature is also at record levels, ocean acidification is continuing. Sea ice is melting, that is the reason which leading to rising sea levels.

Over the years, we have seen prolonged droughts and severe wildfires around the world. For example, the recent devastating bushfires in Australia are linked to the effects of ocean temperatures on a climate that takes the form of a dry season.

Warm sea temperatures have led to a record hurricane season in the Atlantic and storm intensity anomalies in the Indian Ocean and South Pacific. The destruction of the waves along with the rising tide has shown the power of the ocean and the terrible impact of the sea on coastal areas. Hurricanes in subtropical waters also wreak havoc on ships, causing loss of life and goods at sea.

In 2020, the smallest annual amount of ice in the Arctic sea has reached one of the record lows. People in the Polar Regions have suffered from unusual coastal floods and unpredictable sea ice hazards caused by melting ice.

Therefore, WMO has a key role to play in supporting research, observation, forecasting and providing relevant information about the oceans in the same way that WMO does with the atmosphere, land and earth surface. The large lack of data on the oceans greatly affects the accuracy of long-term and seasonal forecasts. The WMO's conference on data in November 2020 noted these major shortfalls, particularly in the ocean. The conference also raised the need for free information sharing and access to the data system, thereby exploiting the efficiency of this data system as well as reducing economic investment.

The World Gas Organization (WMO) currently has relationships with many partners including: UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. This committee helps to better understand, observe and forecast the oceans as part of the Earth System.

As we all know, the earth is ¾ is sea. The majority of the global population lives near the coast, it is estimated that up to 40% of the global population lives 100km from the coast, for that reason, it will be very urgent to protect people from the dangers of the sea. WMO and its Members are supporting coastal management, building and rehabilitating Multi Hazard Early Warning Systems.

Nearly 90% of the world's commerce uses sea routes and faces the dangers of inherently inhospitable maritime weather. To provide information, forecasts and warnings to ensure the safety of human life and property at sea WMO also cooperates with the International Maritime Organization and the International Hydrographic Organization and those organizations are also continuously coordinating measures together.

How to observe World Meteorological Day

WMO is implementing a lot of global initiatives during the year with the expectation of the active participation of its members:

1. Strengthen the global basic monitoring network and establish an appropriate financial mechanism (SOFF) to ensure systematic weather and climate monitoring, especially for countries Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDs).

2. Build a water and climate coalition to drive action towards Sustainable Development Goal 6 on water (SDG6).

3. Strengthen the development of multi-phenomenon and multi-service early warning systems for all Member States.

Find out more about world meteorology and the activities that WMO and its members and countries join hands to respond to. Share your insights on World Statue Day on social media with the hashtag #NationalWorldMeteorologicalDay.


World Meteorological Day has been observed annually on March 23rd.


Thursday, March 23rd, 2023

Saturday, March 23rd, 2024

Sunday, March 23rd, 2025

Monday, March 23rd, 2026

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2027

Also on Sunday, March 23rd, 2025

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