?> Shavuot 2028 | When is Shavuot 2028?
Friday, February 28, 2025 (Week 09)

Shavuot 2028

Shavuot in 2028

Shavuot 2028. You can find the date of Shavuot in 2028 (Jewish Year 5789), Shavuot 2028 calendar and the number of the remaining days.

• Shavuot in 2028 is on Wednesday, May 31, 2028.

• In the Jewish calendar, a holiday begins on the sunset of the previous day, so observing Jews will celebrate Shavuot on the sunset of Tuesday, May 30, 2028.

When is Shavuot 2028?

Shavuot 2028
Shavuot 2028
Wednesday, May 31, 2028
May 2028 Calendar
Shavuot 2029
Sunday, May 20, 2029
Shavuot 2030
Tuesday, May 07, 2030

Jewish Holidays in 2028

Saturday, February 12, 2028
Sunday, March 12, 2028
Tuesday, April 11, 2028
Sunday, May 14, 2028
Tuesday, August 01, 2028
Thursday, September 21, 2028
Saturday, September 30, 2028
Thursday, October 05, 2028
Thursday, October 12, 2028
Thursday, October 12, 2028
Wednesday, December 13, 2028