German Beer Day

German Beer Day is observed next on Wednesday, April 23rd, 2025 (98 days from today).

How many days until German Beer Day?


German Beer Day is held on April 23rd of every year.

Are you a fan of beer? It is a delicious drink with a rich flavor and thick foam, right? When your day is going to the end, do you want an ice cold beer and relax with it in your favorite comfy chair?

Then you know that many of the best beers come from Germany and there's nothing like a rich German lager to add a touch of class to even the smallest event! German Beer Day honor the innovation and ingenuity of German brewers around the world.

History of German Beer Day

To be considered as the origin of the oldest brewery in the world, German beer has become a staple during the middle Ages throughout Europe, which beer was an extremely popular drink, especially in Europe regions where growing grapes for winemaking is not easy. While it is certainly not consumed more than water (a common myth based on the idea that bacteria like cholera cannot survive in alcohol solutions), it is actually widespread and can continue to accessible to all classes of society.

The rich history of German beer has been helped in no small part by the introduction of the Reinheitsgebot, the "law of purity" enacted on 23 April 1516 regulating how beer must be brewed and sold in the state. Bavaria. The regulation requires purity, only water, barley and hops are allowed in the drink and is intended to both protect consumers from poor quality, overpriced beer and ensure sufficient wheat and rice are available for making bread.

After that, the law had spread widely to all Germany in 1906. The oldest regulation about consumer protection is still in use in spite of lots of amendments and relaxations liquid in recent decades, called Reinheitsgebot. Did you know it?

For example, it now admits yeast (the 16th century Germans didn't know that it was the yeast that ferments beer!) and allows other malt grains like the wheat in beer to top fermentation. One establishment, Neuzeller Kloster Brewery, even won a 10-year legal battle to continue classifying its Schwarzer Abt ("Black Abbot") brand as beer even though it contains sugar. Although there were some certain changes, Reinheitsgebot still makes sure that German beer remains a pure and high-quality beverage to this day!

Although beer consumption in Germany has indeed declined in recent years, exports abroad have gradually increased, with Italy, China and the US being the biggest customers. German Beer Day is an opportunity to celebrate delicious gold around the world!

German beers

There is a wide range of German beers to enjoy, from Pilsener, the most popular pale ale, to Kellerbiers (“stewed beer”), dark and unfiltered, to Weißbier and Weizenbier (meaning “white beer” and “beer” wheat” respectively), both wheat beers, to Märzen, the medium-bodied beer commonly seen at Oktoberfest. And for those who don't like pure beer, there's always the Radler option, which is mixed with lemonade.

Oettinger, Beck's, Krombacher, Bitburger and Paulaner are some famous German breweries you should know. Bavaria in the southeast is home of more than 1,000 breweries and more than 5,000 beers belonging to countless smaller and locally produced brands in total.

With so many options, it's no surprise that there are also different ways to consume German beer. Although people associate 'Stein' with German beer, it is actually a term coined by the British to refer to traditional mugs of beer. The Maß or Maßkrug are maybe the most famous in Germany, liter tanks popular in Bavaria and Austria. Waiters can carry loads of things, with the world record holder carrying 27 at a time - that's over 60kg! Other famous drinking utensils include the Stange, which usually holds a quarter to a third of a liter, and the Bierstiefel ("boot beer"), often used during festivals.

Beer in German culture

Until now, beer is the most popular drink with high consumption in Germany, and the highest concentration of breweries in the world is the Franconia region of South Germany. It is no surprise that this delicious drink is at the heart of German culture and widely celebrated across the country.

The most famous event is the world's largest beer festival Oktoberfest, which takes place in Munich from late September to early October and sees millions of liters consumed each year. Spectators donned traditional Bavarian clothing - lederhosen ("leather pants") for men and dirndls (a type of tight bodice with blouses and aprons) for women - and sang and danced along oom-pah music in large tents. There are also plenty of other beer festivals around the country.

The beer garden appeared firstly in Germany and becomes much more popular in other countries, and various breweries, such as the famous Staatliches Hofbräuhaus (Royal Brewery). Moreover, you can recommend Schnitzel, Bratwurst and Sauerkraut for visitors, for examples.

How to celebrate German Beer Day

The best way to have a happy German Beer Day celebration is to drink something. Pour yourself a tall glass of Helles, or if you prefer something stronger, drink a sturdy Weizenbock. After a rye beer with a texture, can you eat it with a spoon? Try a Roggenbier. And for something sour, choose Berliner Weisse.

Find surrounding your local area to look at beer gardens and festivals or book tickets for a trip to Munich in the fall. Oktoberfest is a popular event that makes flights and accommodation fast! You can also take a tour around a brewery for a general look at the fascinating brewing process, and they will often let you sample some of the produce along the way! If your appetite is wracked, try some beer. Then an expert will be able to offer you a variety of beers to sample, is it great?

Homebrewing has long been a popular hobby and is relatively easy to follow, so if you're a true beer lover, why not continue the tradition and give it a try? Today, there are many starter kits available to give you all the equipment and ingredients you need for your own brand of beer! With so many ways to celebrate this German pastime, what would you choose? Let's raise another glass on German Beer Day and drink it up - Prost!


German Beer Day has been observed annually on April 23rd.


Sunday, April 23rd, 2023

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2025

Thursday, April 23rd, 2026

Friday, April 23rd, 2027

Also on Wednesday, April 23rd, 2025

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