International Coq Au Vin Day

(Also known as International Rooster with Wine Day)

International Coq Au Vin Day is observed next on Thursday, May 29th, 2025 (99 days from today).

How many days until International Coq Au Vin Day?


International Coq Au Vin Day falls on May 29th every year and we couldn't be more grateful for another day dedicated to French cuisine. This holiday not only broadens our cultural horizons, but widens our waistlines as well! The name of the dish literally means 'rooster in wine' and it couldn't be simpler, as it was originally a dish made by French farmers. You may have heard the phrase "One chicken in every pot," misspelled for President Hoover. The real proponent was King Henry IV of France, who wished that all his subjects would have a chicken in their pots every Sunday. Pronounced "cuhk oh van", it's a delicious dish made of braised chicken in a bacon, mushroom, lard sauce; with more wine added.

History of International Coq Au Vin Day

Many say that the idea of ​​braising a rooster in wine is ancient and can date back to 6000 BC. Although the exact origin of coq au vin is shrouded in mystery, there are some interesting historical anecdotes about it, going all the way back to Julius Caesar's conquest of Gaul (present-day France and Belgium) in year 58 BC. French novelist Gilbert Cesbron once wrote, “The symbol of France is the rooster. Today it is coq au vin. Apparently, the rooster was a symbol of Gallic bravery, so when Caesar conquered the Gauls, it is said that one of the tribal leaders in the area sent him a rooster to challenge. In return, Caesar invited him to dinner, where chief Gallic was served with a rooster, cooked in wine. Whether this is completely true or not, doesn't matter, as it makes a great story line at your next French-inspired dinner party.

In France in the 1600s, King Henry IV is said to have wished that each of his farmers would be able to enjoy "a chicken in his pot every Sunday". His selfless vision seems to have been taken seriously, as coq au vin was a French peasant dish that later became popular throughout Europe. It was in 1864 that a cookbook called 'Cookery for British Houses' first printed a recipe called 'poulet au VIN blanc' (chicken in white wine), very similar to International Coq Au Vin Day.

However, it was Chef Julia Child who really made coq au vin popular in the US thanks to her famous 1961 cookbook, "Mastering the Art of French Cooking". Along with other mouthwatering classic French recipes, Julia Child is credited with introducing French cuisine into American kitchens.

Some reasons for International Coq Au Vin Day being loved

  • It's a dish for all

Despite the literal meaning of the name, coq au vin can be modified and adapted to accommodate any dietary/lifestyle choice - including vegan diets. So don't be afraid to experiment with different variations. Packed with flavor and suitable for every palate, coq au vin is truly a one-pot meal that can put even the most loyal of "can't cook" in the kitchen.

  • It's a culinary holiday

We love food holidays, especially because nothing breaks the ice or holds people together like delicious food. So whether you're making coq au vin from scratch and inviting people over or taking them out for a fine dining experience, it's guaranteed to be a cohesive experience.

  • It's a cultural experience

Food from different regions/cultures brings the whole world to our plates in a number of ways. So why not travel through gastronomy? This could also be the reason you're looking to do a French wine tasting!

How to celebrate International Coq Au Vin Day

  • Try some DIY and record it

Have you seen the 2009 movie, "Julie & Julia", starring Meryl Streep and Amy Adams? Like Julie Powell, try Chef Julia Child's version of the famous coq au vin from her cookbook "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" and document it on social media. Who knows where that might take you, like Julie Powell, who is now a published author?

  • Treat yourself to a French dining experience

No one needs to be told twice when dealing with themselves (or loved ones). Whether it's a date night or a special occasion, make it extra special by going on a food tour to old France.

  • Take part in a French cooking class and use French

Hone your French and take it beyond the confines of your language classroom or app, by taking a French cooking class. There is no better (and better) way to immerse yourself in the French language, culture and atmosphere without spending big bucks on travel.


International Coq Au Vin Day has been observed annually on May 29th.


Monday, May 29th, 2023

Wednesday, May 29th, 2024

Thursday, May 29th, 2025

Friday, May 29th, 2026

Saturday, May 29th, 2027

Also on Thursday, May 29th, 2025

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