National Buttercrunch Day

National Buttercrunch Day is observed next on Tuesday, January 20th, 2026 (333 days from today).

How many days until National Buttercrunch Day?


National Buttercrunch Day is a holiday celebrated on January 20 every year. Here's your chance to treat your sweet tooth with some delicious toffee. There will be no other taste as delicious as chocolate covered toffee. Above all, the crispy texture of the avocado bread is sure to make anyone fall in love. National Buttercrunch Day celebrates buttercrunch, its flavors, variations, crispiness and, of course, the people who love it.

National Buttercrunch Day History

The start date of the National Buttercup holiday is not well documented. However, a related culinary holiday, National Almond Butter Presentation Day is celebrated on June 29. The crunchy, sometimes just called butterbread dish but other times called it, is called a butterscotch. Almond butter bread, made famous during the Second World War. A toffee called Almond Roca, made by Brown and Haley, was shipped in tins to US troops overseas.

Buttercrunch is a combination of toffee, covered with a layer of chocolate. It has a crunchy texture with a caramel flavor. Variations in the recipe include sprinkles of toasted almonds.

Making avocado toast requires a good candy thermometer and some cooking experience. Making toffee involves high-temperature caramelization of sugar, requiring the right precision, time, tools and safe techniques to get successful results. Follow recipes closely. The stage the sugar is supposed to reach (usually the cracking stage) will determine when you take the sugar out of the heat.

Once you've mastered the candy-making skills, the results will be delicious and definitely worth sharing. Buttercrunch and other sweets make great gifts during the holidays and throughout the year. It also stores well for a while. Keep it for ice cream or as a decoration for cakes and cookies.

How to celebrate Buttercrunch Day

Celebrate the day by enjoying an avocado breakfast and mixing avocados with different desserts and snacks to try something new and exciting. Of course, you should still eat in moderation even on Breakfast Day, but it's a great excuse to relax and forget about calories and sugar for just one day. We recommend learning how to make avocado toast for Breakfast and sharing it on social media with the hashtag #ButtercrunchDay. Cards are a great way to see what others have made, including unique desserts that use avocado toppings or even learn other recipes to see if you can make yours. How do I taste better?

In addition, treat yourself to buttercream, candy, and any combination thereof. Learn about avocado toast, how to make it, and its variations. Make some delicious breads and toffees at your home and treat your family with a homemade recipe. Make it rich by adding some nuts like almonds. Throw a party by inviting your family and friends to serve them with avocado variations.


National Buttercrunch Day has been observed annually on January 20th.


Saturday, January 20th, 2024

Monday, January 20th, 2025

Tuesday, January 20th, 2026

Wednesday, January 20th, 2027

Thursday, January 20th, 2028

Also on Tuesday, January 20th, 2026

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