National Pears Hélène Day

National Pears Hélène Day is observed next on Saturday, March 15th, 2025 (24 days from today).

How many days until National Pears Hélène Day?


If you are a lover of desserts with unique combinations, you will not be able to ignore the extremely attractive Pears Hélène, which is the perfect combination of boiled pear, vanilla ice cream, and chocolate. Every year March 15 is celebrated as National Pears Hélène Day, in recognition of this famous French dessert, and in recognition of its popularity among people.

History of National Pears Hélène Day

Pears Hélène is a French dessert made from warm, succulent pears boiled to perfection. These pears are then topped with vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce.

This dish was born when French chef Auguste Escoffier made this dessert in honor of Jacques Offenbach's operetta La belle Hélène around 1864. No wonder this dish creates harmony in everyone's mouth!

As time passed and everything was commercialized successfully, pear Hélène also grew. Simplified versions with canned pears instead of boiled pears have emerged to increase shelf life and be easier to pack and ship. Since crystallized violets are difficult to find, they have been replaced with sliced ​​almonds to attract the masses.

This holiday can be celebrated as an excuse to eat some dessert, listen to French music and drink some wine. You can also invite your friends for a small celebration!

The origin, history and founder of National Pears Hélène Day are still being sought, but, with this groundbreaking blend of pears Hélène, Pears Hélène Day is growing in popularity and popularity.

Observing National Pears Hélène Day

On National Pears Hélène Day, celebrate this wonderful dessert by going to a restaurant near you and enjoying Pears Hélène there. You can also make your own Pears Hélène if you are a cook and love to be creative. You can refer to the recipe for Pears Hélène below and start making Pears Hélène for yourself and your loved ones according to your taste!

Preparation ingredients:

  • 2 medium-ripe pears
  • 100ml vanilla
  • 100ml chocolate
  • 200g Sugar
  • Cinnamon


  • Step 1: Put the mixture of water, cinnamon, and vanilla in the pan, bring to a boil, stir the mixture to form a syrup. Stir until the sugar dissolves, then you need to reduce the heat.
  • Step 2: You prepare the pear by peeling, keeping the stem, cut the pear in half and put it in the pan to cook until it is soft, then turn off the heat and soak the pear in the mixture for about 15 minutes.
  • Step 3: Lift the pears onto a plate or bowl with a sunken hearth, put a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top and then cover the top with chocolate.

So you've got Pears Hélène with a blend of unique flavors. Enjoy them with your loved ones with melodious French music to create more atmosphere. Share your National Pears Hélène Day on social media with the hashtag #NationalPearsHélèneDay.


National Pears Hélène Day has been observed annually on March 15th.


Wednesday, March 15th, 2023

Friday, March 15th, 2024

Saturday, March 15th, 2025

Sunday, March 15th, 2026

Monday, March 15th, 2027

Also on Saturday, March 15th, 2025

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