Peace Corps Day

Peace Corps Day is observed next on Tuesday, March 4th, 2025 (13 days from today).

How many days until Peace Corps Day?


Peace Corps Day is celebrated the first Tuesday in March since 1998 to commemorate the creation of this very important U.S. government run program.

History of Peace Corps Day

On this day in 1961, U.S. President John F. Kennedy issues Executive Order No. 10924 establishing the Peace Corps. Then, on September 21, 1961, the United States Congress passed the Peace Corps Act.

This holiday honors all volunteers who have placed themselves abroad, transforming communities through diplomacy and acts of service.

Many volunteers have been abroad for two to three years and with their qualifications and skills help local communities in countries in need, from education, economic development, environment, agriculture and medical. On average, 230,000 volunteers travel to countries around the world to join the Peace Corps, and since there are so many dedicated to serving, this holiday is all about giving back.

Therefore, Peace Corps Week is focused on thanking people who have volunteered around the world and heard their stories. Many volunteers find valuable experiences from their travels and learn about different perspectives from people around the world.

The main site hosts a variety of events around the country for their volunteers, including contests, video conferences, festivals, news stories, blog posts, and more. Peace Corps Week aims to teach people about the difference volunteers make when they join the Peace Corps. All because two years can make a huge difference, where friends are made, homes are made and transformations happen.

How to celebrate Peace Corps Day

If it is possible that you can arrange your time to join in the Peace Corps Day, let take part in one of the Peace Corps competitions to share others about your experience abroad. If you are considering joining the Peace Corps, check out their main website to see what programs they have and are open to you and your loved ones to join.

Do not forget taking some photos to share your holiday on the social media using the hashtag #peacecorpsweek and let everyone know this week is all about volunteers saving lives, educating people and creating difference in the world.


Peace Corps Day has been observed the first Tuesday in March.


Tuesday, March 7th, 2023

Tuesday, March 5th, 2024

Tuesday, March 4th, 2025

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2026

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2027

Founded by

Peace Corps in 1998

Also on Tuesday, March 4th, 2025

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