Peach Blossom Day

Peach Blossom Day is observed next on Monday, March 3rd, 2025 (12 days from today).

How many days until Peach Blossom Day?


Peach Blossom Day is celebrate on March 3rd every year. Peach blossoms come in different colors such as pale pink, white or gray, red and lavender, depending on the cultivar. These flowers are native to China and have been grown there for over 2500 years. The origin for Peach's species name, Prunus Persica, is explained that Peach Blossoms arrived in Greece in 300 BC through Persia. In the 1500s, the peach tree came to the United States through French and Spanish explorers. California is currently the largest cherry blossom producer in the United States, and the second and third largest cherry blossom producers are South Carolina and Georgia.

History of Peach Blossom Day

Peach Blossom Day is a Japanese holiday that goes by many names - Doll Festival, Girls' Day, and Hinamatsuri.

Originally, Hinamatsuri was a religious holiday in which people placed dolls in small boats and sent them out to sea to escape their troubles.

Today, the holiday involves large displays of dolls, but is often used as a celebration of all things feminine. Since the peach trees usually bloom at this time in Japan, the flowers are a big part of the celebration.

Peach Blossom Random Facts and Events

  • The peach blossom was voted the symbol of Delaware on March 9, 1895, but it was not recognized as the true state flower until 58 years later. This is enabled by the fact that Delaware is often referred to as the "peach state" due to its large number of peach orchards, which at their peak totaled more than 800,000 peach trees.
  • Fortune telling is an interesting feng shui formula that can be applied when a person is looking for love.
  • Peach blossoms also have relations with the Doll Festival in Japan.
  • Shanghai Peach Blossom Festival
  • Nyingchi Peach Blossom Festival
  • In China, the peach tree carries mystical properties that are believed to bring good luck, abundance, protection, fertility and affection. In Japan and China, it is customary for the bride to bring peach blossoms in her bouquet.

How to celebrate Peach Blossom Day

You can do various things to enjoy this day such as eating peaches, planting peach trees, traveling to places where Peach Blossoms bloom in spring, and participating in Peach Blossom-themed events or festivals.

As always, a day can't be celebrated properly without celebrating it with #peachblossomday photos - pictures or that didn't happen.


Peach Blossom Day has been observed annually on March 3rd.


Friday, March 3rd, 2023

Sunday, March 3rd, 2024

Monday, March 3rd, 2025

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2026

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2027

Also on Monday, March 3rd, 2025

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